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Q: Which of the following is described by the equation H2O(s) heat H2O(l)?
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What is described by the equation H2Ol H2Os heat?


Of the following solids has the highest melting point H2Os Na2Os SO2s CO2s?

This element is wolfram (W): 3 422 oC.

What does subscript s on h2Os signify?

its solid state :0)

Heat required to convert 10 g of H2Os at 1 Celsius compared to changing 100 g of H2OS by 1 Celsius?

A calorie is the amount it takes to heat one gram of water one degree Celsius. So to heat 10 g one degree, it would take 10 calories, same goes for the 100 g.

How much heat must be absobed to competly melt 35 grams of H2Os at 0 degrees c?

1 x 10^4 J

How do you valance s plus hno3 equals so2 plus no2 plus h2o?

10S + 40 HNO3 → 10 H2SO4 + 40 NO2 + H2OS + 6HNO3 → H2SO4 + 6NO2 + 2H2OS + 4HNO3 -→ SO2 + 4NO2 + 2H2O

How many Bonding - H2Os should you use in a Water Dragon Deck?

Considering "Bonding - H2O" is the only way to Special Summon "Water Dragon" and there are few ways to search for the Spell card, it would be best to include three copies of "Bonding - H2O"; two at the very least.

What products are formed when an acid reacts with a base?

the reaction in which an acid reacts with a base is called neutralization reaction. in a neutralization reaction salt and water is formed. acid+base=salt+h2o in neutralization reaction anion from acid reacts with a cation from base to form salt for eg;hcl+naoh=nacl+h2os

What are the elements of water?

Water (H2O) contains hydrogen and oxygen. There for its element sign id H2O. H2Os combination of atoms is 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

Is carboxylic acid hydrophobic or hydrophilic?

(CH3COOH) Sure doesn't look like it to me! Acetic acid, though vinegar seems to be hydrophobic if I remember correctly. Perhaps the oils in it, but acetic acid is like this in the carboxyl group; C-O-H, So, looks like it is capable of hydrogen bonding.