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The stomach secretes HCL to partially digest the food and to kill any bacteria present in the food.

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Q: Why do the walls of stomach secret HCL?
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What prevents pepsin from destroying the cell walls in the stomach?

Pepsin is secreted as pepsinogen. Pepsinogen cannot eat the walls of the stomach. Now, pepsin is formed when pepsinogen binds to the hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the stomach. Once they are binded pepsin is formed. The second reason on why the stomach doesn't eat it's self is because of the alkaline mucus that suround the walls of the stomach.

What maintains the pH of the stomach?

it is all to do with a buffer system in the stomach! the body has many of these systems! its to ensure homostasis! the mucus in the walls of the stomach protect from selfdigestion! the stomach contains hcl which is concentrated! this is what keeps the pH low!

Is the acid in your stomach HCI or HCL?

The acid in your stomach is HCl with a lowercase L.

What is in a stomach?


Where is HCl produced in the body?

HCl is produced in the stomach.

How does the stomach survive with one ML of HCL in it?

The stomach has a mucousal lining that helps protect it from HCl.

Why does the stomach contain HCl?

HCl lowers the pH in the stomach and provides the acidic conditions for the digestive enzymes in the stomach to work effectively.

What is HCl in the stomach in medical terminology?

HCl means hydrochloric acid, which is a key component of stomach juices.

Function of HCl in stomach?

HCL makes the food acidic.

What acid is in a stomach?


What would be happen if HCL were not secreted in stomach?

Hydrochloric acid is secreted by the glands present on the stomach walls. It dissolves bits of food and creates an acidic medium. The acidic medium allows pepsinogen to be converted into pepsin. Pepsin plays an important role in the digestion of proteins. Therefore, if HCl were not secreted in the stomach, then pepsin would not be activated. This would affect protein digestion. A pH of about 1.8 is necessary for proteins to be digested. This pH is achieved by HCl.

Is stomach acid just HCL?

No, HCl, hydrogen chloride, is a corrosive gas. It dissolves in water to form hydrochloric acid. So, stomach acid is HCl and water.