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because the water is neutral in nature, i.e neither acidic nor basic

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Q: Why does cabbage indicator stay the same colour in water?
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What colour would the indicator give with pure water?

i assume you are talking about pH and the indicator would stay the same, just get wet

What is the colour of turmeric indicator if the substance is neutral?

it will remain the same

Do all chemicals have the same effect on red cabbage?

No, not all chemicals have the same effect on red cabbage. Red cabbage contains a natural pH indicator called anthocyanin, which changes color depending on the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Different chemicals can cause different changes in color, indicating varying levels of acidity or alkalinity in the solution.

What is universal indicator solution and how does it work?

universal indicator solution can be used to determine acid or base at the same time . Its changes its colour and helps in determing the chwmical property

What color will the water go if you add litmus?

The water should stay the same colour if you are using litmus paper, but if you are using a liquid the colour should change. The colour purely depends on the acidity/alkalinity of the water you are putting it in. Yellows are alkaline, Greens are neutral and Blues are acidic (it may be the other way around.. yellow being acid, blue being alki.) The measure of acidity is pH.

How can you tell when an acid has been neutralised?

well there are many ways, one way is noticing that a salt is produced, a basic formula acid+base->salt+water so if your cocky you can taste it, and another way is to notice has energy been produced or not, it might be harder or you can see if it bubbles or has any obvious change.

Are sauerkraut and liberty cabbage the same thing?

Yes, sauerkraut and liberty cabbage are the same thing.

How does Lugol's solution work as an indicator?

An indicator is a substance that changes colour in the presence of another substance. Let say inside the beaker are substances of both glucose and starch. The glucose and starch are of same colour. By injecting the lugol's solution into the beaker, the lugol's solution changes colour in the area of where starch is, while no colour changes in the presence of glucose. Thus, by using the Lugol's solution which only acts as indicator for starch and not glucose, we could tell part which area floats around with glucose and starch substances. Lugol's solution works as an indicator because it will stain starches due to iodine's interaction with the coil structure of the polysaccharide.

Why do different races of people have different skin colour?

They don't. Skin colour is an adaptation to climate, and not an indicator of race. Race is not a biological concept, but it is determined by skeletal size. For instance, Arabs and British are both the same race (Caucasoid), but their skin colour is different as they live in different environments.

Is lettuce same as Chinese cabbage?

no it is not

How does litmus paper work differently from cabbage juice as an pH indicator?

Neither one is better than the other. Man-made and natural pH indicators do virtually the same exact thing, just with different materials.

Why does a drop of food colouring in a container of water start as a drop but eventually colour the entire water?

The droplet spreads out as it dissolves in the water. It occupies the same space as the water, turning it colours the water a lighter shade of the colour of the original droplet. This due to the droplet being diluted by the water when it is mixed into the water.