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Thr number of collisions between solute and solvent molecules is increased.

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Q: Why does stirring increase the rate of dissolution?
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Does stirring affect the rate of dissolving?

Yes, in fact stirring does increase the rate of dissolving [or dissolution] of solids.

What would INCREASE the rate of dissolution but not affect the solubility of salt in water stirring or heating it?

Stirring and heating improve the rate of dissolution and not affect the measured solubility at a given temperature.But I mention that the solubilty of solids is increased when the temperature increase.

Increasing the surface area between solute and solvent increases what?

Will increase the rate of dissolution and hence how fast the solute is dissolved.

What effect do temperature and stirring have on the rate of dissolving?

Stirring and increasing temperature increase the dissolving rate.

How can you increase the rate of dissolution?

One way is to grind up solid, or increase the temperature. Also, you can stir the solution, and then, there are enzymes.

How does stirring and heating affect the solution?

Both stirring and heating increase the rate of dissolving

Does stirring increase the rate of diffusion?

It decreases it.

How does increasing temperature affect rate of dissolution?

Increasing temperature increases the rate of dissolution, though it can increase or decrease solubility at equilibrium.

What are three ways to increase the rate of dissolution?

Heating the solutionStirring the solutionUsing a catalyst

What three factors can speed up the rate of something dissolving?

Three factors that speed up the rate of dissolution are increased temperature, increased surface area, and stirring the mixture.

Does stirring affect the rate of dissolution of a salt?

Stirring increases the rate in which the area of the salt touches the area of the water increasing the rate at which it dissolves. However no matter how much you stir you cannot make a solvent (water) take anymore solvent (salt). In order to increase the solubility of your solution you need to add heat. Think about it like this: which takes more sugar? Hot tea or cold tea? The hot tea does, ever notice how when you add sugar to cold tea it falls to the bottom and it takes lots and lots of stirring and it never dissolves completely. If you were to warm the hot tea up it would completely dissolve. This works the same way for salt and water and ALMOST all solutions.

What methods would you use to dissolve a large crystal of salt known as rock salt in water Explain all the factors that affect the rate at which the salt will dissolve?

Broken the crystal in small parts; dissolution in water is easy.Factors which affect the rate of dissolution: temperature and stirring.