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The Kelvin scale is the S.I. unit for temperature. In all equations, including Charles Law, S.I units are used, to simplify the equations. If we use Kelvin, this is Charles Law:

V1 / T1 = V2 / T2

where V is the volume of a sample of gas, and T is the temperature of that gas in Kelvin.

If we use degrees Celsius instead,

V1 / (T1 + 273) = V2 / (T2 + 273)

where T is in degrees Celsius.

Now if we used degrees Fahrenheit, the equation gets even more complex.

So, the unit you use is really just up to you, but scientists prefer to use Kelvin to make things simple.

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When using Charles's law temperature must be on the?

Use the Kelvin scale.

The temperature scale for using Charles' Law is not Fahrenheit or Celsius but what?

Always use temperature in the Kelvin scale when doing gas law problems.

Is temperature expressed on the Celsius scale in calculations using Charles' Law?

No, you must always use the Kelvin scale when doing gas law problems.

How do you use kelvin scale in a sentence?

Kelvin scale is named after a famous British mathematician and physicis william thomson ans first Baron kelvin

What measure temperature?

The basic unit is a Kelvin but it is common to use a degree Celsius. The Kelvin scale is absolute whereas the zero point on the Celsius scale is arbitrary.

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Why do you use the celsius scale?

It's compatible with kelvin.

What temperature scale does not use degree?

The temperature scale that has no negative values is the Kelvin scale, because it has its zero point at the lowest possible measurable temperature (absolute zero).The similarly based scale using Fahrenheit intervals (degrees) is the Rankine scale. The Kelvin scale starts at (the minimum) absolute zero. (0 K = -273 oC)

Why do you use kelvin?

Because kelvin temperature has a simple relationship with volume, according to Charles's' law if the kelvin temperature becomes doubled at constant pressure the volume of the gas also becomes doubled, this relation is not with Celsius or Fahrenheit temperature.

Explain why the Kelvin Scale is very convenient to use in scientific calculations?

The Kelvin Scale is based on absolute zero which means it will never go negative. For example, in the ideal gas law, finding the pressure using Celsius(with a temp -12C) the pressure can be -23atm which is impossible.

Why Scientist use the celsius scale?

It has the same magnitude as kelvin.

When do you use kelvin?

This scale is mostly used in scientific applications.