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no. density is not determined by mass alone (grams) but by mass and volume together (mass divided by volume). when you add mass you also add a proportionate amount of volume because every molecule of that compound is identical. (we infer this because both substance A and B are labeled the same so assuming it was labeled correctly they are the the same substance.) this means that the density does not ever change, whether you are finding the density of carbon tetrachloride or a slab of granite density never changes because of mass. there are ways to change the ratio of mass to volume, there by changing density while leaving the substance chemically unaltered but that is not what we are discussing at the moment. for your purposes, no, a 500g sample of carbon tetrachloride will not have a greater density than a 7.0g sample. (also, try to keep your decimal points straight, if it is 7.0 then it is 500.0 unless you are rounding to the 500 buy then it should be 7 not 7.0. and one final thing, when deciding how many decimal places to go to when taking mass measure to the smallest measurement you can and then go one more place over ( as in if your balance measures up to the hundredth, .00, estimate what is in between the two lines to the thousandth, .000, unless it is a digital read out then obviously you can't round))

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Q: Will 500 gram sample of carbon tetrachloride have greater denisty than a 7.0 gram sample of carbon tetrachloride?
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