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Yes. When you declare the attack, you, as the turn player, gets first chance to respond to it. Your opponent can respond too, either in chain to your card, or starting a new chain himself if you don't.

After this chain resolves though, or both players confirm they don't want to respond, a new chain can still be started, the turn does not immediately proceed to the Damage Step.

This chain is not 'in response' to the attack, the timing for that was passed when both players said they did not want to respond. You could activate Skill Drain here, and while the opponent can still chain cards to it, it is not the response window for the attack declaration, cards like Sakuretsu Armor cannot be activated now.

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Q: Can I activate Skill Drain after I've declared my attack with Beast King Barbaros to increase his attack if the opponent chooses not to activate any cards in responce to my attack in Yu-gi-oh?
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