waht is the value of a goulds hand water pump, cast iron red, sc 9119 made in seneca falls n.y.
The value of any firearm is based on the make, model, and condition. We do not know WHICH pistol, made at the St. Etienne armory, or it's condition. You will need a hands-on appraisal from someone that knows antique European firearms.
The french founded the city of New Orleans in 1718
10-10000 USD depending on specifics
100*292/1718 = 16.9965% (to 4 dp).
Sieur de Bienville founded New Orleans in 1718
I have the same painting, from Turner Wall Accessory
85951/100 = 859.51 this is one hundredth, therefore 1%. 859.51*2 = 1718. 1718.
883/1718 x 100% = 51.4 % you may try the online calculator linked below