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Q: Difference between black panther and tiger?
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How comes tiger can kill black panther but lion cant?

They can. A black panther is a leopard.

Can a black panther beat the tiger in night?

No. Adult leopards are no match for an adult tiger.

What animal is bagheera in The Jungle Book?

Bagheera does mean black tiger, but the Indians thought it looked like a black tiger, apparently, because he's a black panther.

What is the difference between orange and black tigers and white and black tigers?

White Tiger : White with Black stripes Leopard : Golden with Black unique spots Jaguar : Black with No markings

What is the name of the puma in jungle book?

There are no jaguars in The Jungle Book. There is a black leopard (black panther) named Bagheera, though, and a tiger named Shere Khan.

What is the Panther's name in the movie Beastmaster?

The animal in that movie was a tiger, not a leopard (panther). He was dyed black, and his name was "Ruh".

Difference between tiger cheetah and panther?

i think a panther would winn because they are a little more aggressive then chettah's. Both of them are very dangerous though so don't go looking for a fight

Who would win in a fight between a white tiger and a black panther?

Chuck Norris, Because he makes carpet's out of tigers and panthers ^^^EPIC WIN^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Who is faster a tiger or a panther?

No, tigers and panthers do not live in the same area and if they did they would definitely fight for territory but the tiger wouldn't eat the panther. A tiger could easily kill a panther though, it is the biggest cat, therefore a tiger could eat a panther.

Is there such thing as a black tiger?

Sort of a black panther is a large black cat like a tiger

How do you say tiger in Hindi?

Shere Khan 2nd Question (How Do You Say Panther Or Black Tiger In Hindi ) A:Bagheera Bag-ear-ruh.

How can you tell the difference between a black leopard and a black panther?

If you Look at Cheetah spots, they are just spots. now Leopards however, if you look at A Leopard's spot, you will notice that their spots have rings around them. so, to make it short, Leopards have rings around their spots and Cheetahs dont. also Leopards live in Jungle's and Forests and Cheetahs live on Savannahs and Plataeus.