None because the ninjas where in old Japan but they died out.
Obviously, it takes only one ninja to rule any world, in any dimension, in any universe of any sort. Ninjas pwn.
There are over 10,000 ninjas in clubpenguin.
Yes, but I believe they can overcome their differences and help the world and WikiAnswers.
There is no way to tell how many Ninjas have made blocks in the NBA. This is due to the fact that Ninjas are stealthy and would be impossible to detect let alone track for a block.
I'm not so sure ANYONE would be very happy in this world. *
There are 6 chapters in Mini Ninjas DS, and 17 actual levels.
ninjas are a general word for hobos
It began in the ghettos of Kobe, Japan, and yes, i do enjoy ninjas! There was no art of Ninjas ninjas didn't exist
Ninjas are Warriors and Warriors are Ninjas but Ninjas would win.