Their ages are:
Note: this is current 2010
Hbk 46 turning 47 hhh 44 john cena is 35 jeff hardy 38
John Morrison is 30.Randy orton is 30 too.Jeff hardy is 32.Matt hardy is 35.The Miz is 29.Edge is 36.John cena is 33
Jeff hardy is 31 years old
Jeff hardy doesn't have a kid. the rumors are fake.
Jeff Hardy is 31 years old. His next birthday will be on August 31.
72 years old
Jeff hardy will be 32 years old in 2009.his birthday is august 31 ,1977
Matt hardy is 35 and Jeff hardy is 32
Source Jeff Hardyis 32 years old.
You can go to type in wwe themes Jeff hardy new or old
John Cena has no children.
John Cena is 32.