Tradition says that Peter was crucified upside down. He requested it as he did not feel himself worthy to be killed in the say way as Christ.
He was executed sometime between the years AD64 and 67.
Nero ordered the execution of Saint Peter. He used the excuse that Christians were responsible for the fire that burned a large part of the city of Rome. He needed to hide his own blame for causing the fire.
Yes, Saint Peter is really a saint. If he were not a saint he would not have that title.
Saint Peter's Basilica is larger than Saint Paul's.
Saint Peter was originally a fisherman.
As with the current Saint Peter's Basilica, the old basilica was dedicated to Saint peter the Apostle.
There is no listing anywhere for a saint named Peter Clongson.
Peter Chanel is the patron saint of Oceania only.
Peter's tomb was found under Saint Peter's Basilica.
Saint Peter is fine and enjoying his life in heaven.
St. Peter the Apostle.
Saint Peter's Basilica is in the Vatican.