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No. NOT murder. But the Criminal Code of Canada states that any person can use deadly force only to prevent the death or grevious bodily harm to themselves or any other individual.

What it comes down to is justifying your actions in court. It is the court that a person has to prove why they killed someone.

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Q: Is it OK to murder someone by self defence in Canada?
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Is it OK to murder someone by self defence?

Answer:No but it is okay to hurt them bad enough to get away from them, never should it be okay to kill a human by self-defense. They are a living being. Would you want to be killed by self-defense of someone else. I don't think do. Your family and friends would miss you. Think of a better way besides murder but if you have no other option then that's okay in a way to murder them if you have no other way

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Murder is a highly illegal crime.The only time it is legal to kill someone is in self defence of yourself or someone who is unable to defend themselves. Otherwise it is murder.Her murder was never forgotten.The murder suspect was finally caught.

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No, this would be murder, even if the person was trespassing.The only time it is legally justifiable to kill someone else is in self defence or for the defence of those around you.For example, if the trespasser was a madman with a gun or a knife which he was using to threaten your family, then yes, killing him is perfectly justified because it is self defence.However if the person was just trespassing and is posing no danger to anybody, there is no justification to kill.There is a very fine line between self defence and murder. As a rule of thumb, if the person is unarmed and is not a risk to your life or the lives of others, then it is murder.

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Femoral Nerve.

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Murder can be justified in cases such as the preservation of human life or in the case of self defence. This is very controversial as many people believe that how can some one judge what is justified to what is not.

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You do have a right of self defence. But they have to hit you first

When do you say it is just self defense?

When someone attacks you first. just make sure you have proof that it was self-defence but yes if someone attacks you physically first.

How do you use the word self defence in a sentence?

I am taking self defence classes at the moment.