john MoralesJohn Cena's real name is John Felix Anthony Cena
His real name is John Cena
John Cena real
John Cena's full name is John Felix Anthony Cena.
John Cena Doesn't have a Facebook
(john Felix Anthony cena) is john cena's full name
john cenas real name is john Felix Anthony cena awesome
well he's in his own gang which is called the chain gang. you can be a member just by supporting him and being behind him 100%.Be a major fan be a chain gang member.(no real violence or anything included).
because John cena is a real champion and kane do not wants john cena to become champion
john Felix Anthony cena jr.
Yes John Cena's real name is Jonathan Felix Anthony Cena :D
John Cena is his real name his nickname is "The DR of Thuganomics"