Take away the enemy's best friend.
The best thing that you can do for your friend, is to be there for them. They most likelt will be confused, hurt, and depressed. Be the constant that they need in there life right now.
we'll the good thing is to tell your best friend and see how he/she goes with it
it means a friend is the best possession it means a friend is the best possession
Keeps you companyKeeps you safeResearch shows it increases your life span"A dog is a man's best friend"
you help your best friend boy to experience love
ask your best friend if he likes him and if she doesnt than wait for him to get over it and he'll realize he likes you
that's not a bad thing if they get on this means you can be with your girl friend and your best friend at the same time =)
The best thing my girl is to be calm and kindly find a friend soon.
It is a good thing if he or she likes it.
No, you're in a thing called the friend zone.
You answered yourself when you said "your use to be best friend". Fickleness cannot be overcome but getting new friends can.