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WWE says its Vince McMahon.

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Q: Who are Hornswoggle's parents?
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What is Hornswoggles number?


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Is Mark Henry Hornswoggles dad?

No, Finlay is.

What is hornswoggles entry song called?

pot of gold

Is the wrestler Finlay really hornswoggles dad?

yes but in wrestling Mr Mc mahon is

Who is hornswoggles real dad?

In real life, Vince Mcmahon is.

Who is hornswoggles mother?

Well i havent heard nothing about hornswoggles mother nobody really talks about her really. I feel really bad for him though every body treats him like crap i ha e a mom every body derserves to have a mom though.

How can you download hornswoggles music?

go to lime wire and saerch for "wwe theme song Hornswoggle" and there you go.

Who made hornswoggles music?

i don't know but to get his music just go to lime wire and search for "wwe theme song Hornswoggle" and there it is.

What was WWE's football brand?

XFL i have no idea what ity is but mr. McMahon must have been drunk and having an affair with hornswoggles mother when he thought of it

Is Shane McMahon hornwoggle's dad?

No. Its a storyline. No relation at all. No, he's not a Mcmahon. It's all apart of the story line.

Is that WWE superstar hornswoggles real height?

Yes, Hornswoggle was born with a condition called achondroplasia which is the most common type of dwarfism. He measures up at 4ft 4 or 1.32 meters.