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Ted Irvine, a former National Hockey League player

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Q: Who is chris Jerichos dad?
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Who is chris jerichos band?

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What are chris Jerichos band hit song?

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Is Chris Masters coming back to WWE?

yes because he might be jerichos mystery partner

How do you unlock chris Jerichos alt costume?

AltJerichoModelSvR09its a cheat for 09 as 2010 doesnt have alt Jericho hope i helped

Does Chris Brown have a dad?

Yes, Chris Brown has a dad. Chris Brown's dad is Clinton Brown.

What is chris jerichos name?

Chris Jericho's nickname "Y2J" is just a remake of Y2K (year 2000) when he was kicking off the new year in 2000.

When did Chris Brown become a dad?

Chris Brown is not a dad.

Who is chris's dad?

Chris Brown's dad is Clinton Brown.

Who is Chris Brown dad?

Chris Brown's dad is Clinton Brown.