because TNA wants WWE to respond and start a feud but WWE doesn't care
Vince McMahon Doesn't Care about TNA It doesn't respond because wwe can not condone violence between companies it's just a friendly Ratings Competition Between wwe and tna and tna wants wwe to respond for more publicity and ratings and is making the company worse by taking Ex-WWE Superstars just like WcW And Scott hall and syxx-PAC are story line for play to make them think that they are from wwe but really are in tna just like WcW it's all about stealing the ratings and superstars and fans from wwe tna is just WcW Part 2 to me And It's Going To End The same way tna out of business And WWE Still on top and i don't mean sexually so put that in your juice box and suck it!
That is incredibly wrong. TNA has stolen everything Vince McMahon built up. It just eats away at him that he can't compete with TNA anymore. They are selling out crowds and everything now. Plus, all his talent is going to tna.
^ TNA Mark there.
while i agree TNA does take away WWE stars that WWE no longer wants, but lets get the facts straight Jeff Hardy for example constantly got himself in trouble and WWE got a lot of heat from their talent getting in trouble with the law as well as drug use and since they are for now PG they have to drop the hammer. TNA does not care that these wrestlers get in trouble as long as they can say that they got another star WWE/WCW/ECW made famous to let them steal the spotlight and attempt and fail every time at making WWE respond they only have one of WWE's stars that WWE still wants and that's Angle. TNA had it's chance at utilizing it's younger stats but they went the usual route WWE and WCW did (typical TNA fashion copying) and left the young stars on the back burner and letting stars that have already established themselves steal most of the spotlight.
Kurt Angle Left WWE because WWE works their stars harder and they barley can get time off while they travel around the world most of the year. TNA most of their shows are "house shows" so it;s easier for a wrestler to take off more often besides TNA talent gets paid a lot less. Angle likes being able to spend more time with is family and WWE couldn't give him that. from what i see Kurt Angle looks like he's about to retire or something their using him less not sure why.
4 Years ago TNA brought something that could've given them the upper hand on WWE and that the Innovation of the X-Division(A.K.A the only thing worth watching in TNA that can't be seen in WWE) but they dropped that soon as Kurt joined and they started using old talent more and younger talent less, everything TNA does now can be seen in WWE, corny story lines, overrated wrestlers getting the championship and sometimes the same wrestlers, faction takeovers(immorNWO takeover), sexy but useless female wrestlers that could do better as valets, annoying authority figures, wrestlers returning after months of being absent and thrown right into the main event title hunt.
Im a FAN of Wrestling and ENTERTAINMENT and i watch both shows and WWE and TNA are practically the same only WWE has more money to blow.
I would love to see TNA Vs WWE but, as of yet TNA has done nothing for WWE for take notice.
PLEASE STOP with the WCW 2.0/WCW Part 2, your insulting WCW. WCW had class, innovation and they EARNED WWE's attention, TNA will never do anything to get noticed for more than a WWE/WCW/ECW Has-Been Warehouse. once they take a chance on their young talent and utilize them right, WWE will take notice, TNA young stars are the only way their company won't flop and end up like WCW post monday night wars.
Wow! if this isn't just another battle between wrestling fans of 2 different companies.
You guys should be attempting to answer the question and not fighting with one another about which company is better. I get so tired of seeing those things on the net. It's no wonder people with a brain stop watching wrestling, it's not just the products but the idiots that argue over the product.
Let's just agree to disagree on this one guys.
never vince McMahon is broke
No, TNA will never put WWE out of business i think it will, everybodys startin 2 hate the wwe
Never, as TNA Stars don't want to work for McMahon and Co. (WWE).
no it will never
As of now, Never. Jeff is currently wrestling in TNA Wrestling and so he cannot be the WWE Champion. First of all, he has to leave TNA and join the WWE and then work his way up the ladder in order to be the WWE champ. So, until he is with TNA, the answer is Never.
The only way they'll work for the WWE is if their contract expires and they don't want to be in TNA anymore. TNA and WWE won't combine.
never! TNA will never sell their company to WWE that easily! It would lead to another war but this time it would be WWE vs TNA not WWF vs WCW/ECW ALLIANCE.
tna is a wrestling show but it will never in eversville be better than wwe
No, he's never been on TNA. He's back in WWE now.
no he will never go to TNA He likes it in the WWE Thats up to him to decide.
It is a possibility that WWE will invade TNA. If it does happen, it is unknown.