david schletty
pete rassmusen
Chaos! Comics:
Dark Horse Comics:
DC Comics:
DC Comics - Imprints:
America's Best
Image Comics:
Marvel Comics:
Valiant Comics:
Some comic book characters are considered immortal, such as Marvel's Wolverine, Thor, and Deadpool, and DC's Wonder Woman and Vandal Savage. Other characters may have variations of immortality, such as healing factors or longevity, but it ultimately depends on the specific storyline and interpretation by the writers.
The definition of the term immortality in comics may be debatable. For instance, some immortals seem to have died at least once but often reappear momentarily in a new revitalized incarnation; especially common amongst mythological characters (gods, goddesses, angels, demons, etc.). Deities, in fact, tend to be consistently immortal and are completely resistant to death and deterioration (e.g., Marvel Comics' Thor, Greek Gods, etc.). These beings are both functionally immortal and invulnerable and merely give the appearance of being slain for a temporary time before rematerializing. Such immortals undergo an apparent dissolution rather than death, a corporeal rather than essential destruction, while others do retain their physical form albeit in a diminished capacity (e.g., Sandman's Orpheus existing as a talking head, Image's Immortal Man's decapitation). These entities can be considered "true immortals," as they were created in that state and have very little chance of changing. Still, even some of these true immortals do seem to be dependent on belief or worship to remain extant (e.g., the gods and goddesses in Vertigo's Sandman--the existence of Vertigo's Fables may operate similarly, to some extent), yet even these deities may not be definitively dead should faith in their existence be renewed (e.g., Kid Eternity's Gods of Olympus).
Other entities are conditionally immortal, in the sense that they are immune to aging and all disease, but have an existence dependent on some exterior component and are not invulnerable. Robots have the potential to exist indefinitely if able to avoid damage or transfer their consciousness into new shells. Similarly, vampires are immortal if they avoid known vulnerabilities, such as sunlight. Those using magic means to extend their longevity also possess this conditional immortality (e.g., DC Comics' Circe, Mordru, etc.), an especially tenuous segment of them only being immortal through the possession of mystical objects or talismans (e.g., DC Comics' Super-Chief, Ra's Al Ghul, etc.). Those achieving their sort of immortality through technological means may also fall into that latter category (e.g., Perry Rhodan, DC Comics' Resurrection Man). At the same time, some may argue that these groups should not be considered immortal for the fact that once they are destroyed through an exploitation of their vulnerabilities, they will not self-resurrect themselves.
It may also be possible to argue that all comic characters are immortal as they never seem to stay dead for long, leading to the popular claim: "No one stays dead except Bucky, Jason Todd and Uncle Ben." Even this has been called into question lately, based on recent retroactive continuity (retcon) changes. Alternatively, immortality has been known to be renounced by the one possessing the attribute (e.g., DC Comics' Hermes) or revoked by a superior power (e.g., Marvel Comics' Hercules, DC Comics' Element Girl), allowing nearly every known immortal the opportunity to become merely mortal. This list will ignore the possibility of these two arguments occurring in the future and will instead consist only of those that currently could be considered immortal without requiring any future retcon or reversal. # The ability of beings to resurrect themselves with no intervention can be seen as a variation of immortality as the death they experience is temporary and resolved autonomously (e.g., Solomon Grundy), whereas any dead being may be resurrected by another but upon death will remain permanently dead in absence of further external intervention (e.g., Oliver Queen): given time, immortals will return to life while most will suffer the ordinary mortal fate. # Reincarnation differs from resurrection in that the sense of identity tends to by lost between incarnations, whereas resurrections typically involve the same identity being retained to some extent (perhaps not so with zombies) and the host bodies tend to be susceptible to age and disease (e.g., Valiant's Immortal Enemy) meaning they most likely cannot be described as immortal.
# This list disregards the status and quality of life possessed by the individual, meaning that it includes in the "immortal" category both those that are still technically alive andthose that cannot be or were never considered living, whether as the undead (e.g., DC's Frankenstein, Dracula), maintaining a mechanical existence (e.g., Robotman), or being composed of a form incompatible with our definition of "life" (e.g., Wildfire, Metamorpho). While not alive, these entities can be expected to ecist for an extremely long time, possess a clear identity, and are not subject to age ot disease. # Ghosts and spirits have only been included when they both maintain a physical presence in the material world, possess a clear identity, and consistently interact with the living (e.g., The Gentleman Ghost, Deadman). Other deceased beings may continue in an eternal existence of sorts in an afterlife, but forego any further participation or representation in the physical world. # Immortals that appear to currently be deceased are listed as (presumed dead).
# Near immortals (e.g., Martian Manhunter), virtual immortals (e.g., Grandmaster, The Kherubim), and questionable immortals (e.g., Superman, Wolverine) have their arguable status indicated by a (?) symbol.
* Vampires and the Undead: Doll (Veronica "Ronnie" Briggs; vampire)
---- === === * Vampires and the Undead: Johnny Copperhead === === * Vampires and the Undead: Eve (Jessica Evelyn Murphy) * Angels and Demons: Abaddon, Apollyon, The Fallen
* Supernatural: Children of the Black Sun (Ezra, Kade)
---- * Vampires and the Undead: Dracula (vampire), Son of Dracula (Adam Lucard; vampire)
---- == == == == * God
* Judeo-Christian mythology: The Anti-Christ (Danny Wormwood), Jesus Christ, Saint Peter * Angels and Demons:The Devil
* Aliens and Cosmic Entities: Anubis (?)
== == * Vampires and the Undead: Florence Stoker (vampire, cured), Oscar Wilde (vampire, cured) (see also: Marvel UK, Tundra Punlishing, TV Comic)
---- * Aliens and Cosmic Entities: The C'tan (Deceiver, Nightbringer, Outsider, Void Dragon), The Gods of Chaos (Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Tzeentch), The Necrons (?) * Altered Mortals: The God Emperor of Mankind
* Angels and Demons: Lady Death, Lords of Hell, Lucifer * Vampires and the Undead:
* Vampires: Chastity Marks, The Countess, Farley, Oblivia, Purgatori
---- * Vampires and the Undead: The Deadbeats (Dodger, Martine, Colleen, Mickey), King Hermano, Southie (Michael Evans Southland)
---- === === * Vampires and the Undead: Tujiro XIV (Pope Innocent XLII; vampire) * Norse mythology: Thor
* Vampires and the Undead: Captain Cadaver (Mr Swartzburg; vampire), Porter Scott (vampire)
---- == == == == * God
* Earth/Wiccan mythology: Mother Nature * Angels and Demons:
* Demons: Ariman's demons
* Vamipres and the Undead: * Zombies
== == ---- * Vampires and the Undead: Mandu, Nocturna, Sinestra
== == * Vampires and the Undead: Becky Burdock (vampire), Sergeant States (Nathan Hart ; vampire), The Slasher (vampire), Templar Richard (presumed dead)
---- == == === === * Vampires and the Undead: * Vampires: Angel (Angelus/Liam), Darla, Drusilla, Harmony Kendall, Larnia, Lilith, Lothos (presumed dead), The Master (presumed dead), Selke (presumed dead), Slayer-Vampire (Yuki Makimura), Spike (William)
* God * Greek/Roman mythology: Hecate, Hercules (presumed dead) * Hyperborian mythology: The Golden People (Thoth (presumed dead)), Heca-Emem-Ra the Black Goddess * Angels and Demons: Astaroth, Crooked Man, Gruagach, Hellboy (?), Iron Shoes (presumed dead), Ualac, The Watchers * Ogdru Hem: Conqueror Worm (presumed dead), Katha-Hem (presumed dead), Urgo-Hem (presumed dead), Sadu-Hem * Ogdru Jahad:Amon-Jahad, Adad-Jahad, Beuu-Jahad, Irra-Jahad, Namrat-Jahad, Nergal-Jahad, Nunn-Jahad
* Supernatural: Abe Sapien, Baba Yaga, The Daoine Sidh, Grigori Rasputin, Jenny Greenteeth, Koschei the Deathless, Roger the Homunculus (presumed dead) * Vampires and the Undead:Countess Ilona Kakosky (vampire; presumed dead), Johann Kraus (spirit), Lobster Johnson (ghost), The Penanggalan, Vampire of Prague (presumed dead) * The Almighty (The Almighty One)
* Norse mythology: Belldandy (Verdandi), Chrono, Ere, Ex, Peorth, Skuld, Urd (Urdr) * The Valkyrie: Lind
* Angels and Demons: Blue-Lance
* Angels: Cool Mint, Gorgeous Rose, Holy Bell, Noble Scarlet, Spear Mint, World of Elegance
* Demons: Hagall, Hild, Marller (Mara), Senbee, Velsper (Welsper), Tsukaima
* Mechanical: Banpei-kun RX, Sigel
* The Creator (Allah/God/Lord of the Hosts) Incarnations:
* The Hand * The Presence * The Source * The Voice * Shadow of God (Antigod/Decreator/Eye of Horus/Unmaker) * Wally the God-Boy?
* The New Gods: Uni-Friend, Highfather, Metron, Black Racer, Orion, Himon, Mister Miracle, Big Barda, Oberon, Lightray, Aurakles * The Forever People: Beautiful Dreamer, Vykin, Mark Moonrider, Serifan, Big Bear, Infinity Man
* Thanagarian mythology: Falomer, Ga Venon, Gae Deon, Haani * Tamaranean mythology: Auron, X'Hal * Shazam mythology: Marvel (Billy Batson, Cece Beck, Mary Batson), Shazam (Jebediah of Canaan), Teth Adam (Black Adam/Theo Adam) * Shazam's Elder Gods: Marzosh, Arel, Ribalvei, Voldar, Elbiam, Lumiun
* Norse mythology: Balder, Odin, Thor * Mesopotamian mythology: Enkidu (presumed dead), Ishtar (Istar/Innanna/Astarte/Belili/Mother of Heaven/Lady of Battle; presumed dead), Ishtar II (Sala Nisaba), Mamitu, Tammuz (presumed dead) * Maltusian mythology: Daalon (presumed dead), Predator,
* The Triarch: Archor the Sustainer, Quarra the Creator, Tzodar the Destroyer
* Kryptonian mythology: Lorra, Mordo, Rao, Telle, Yuda * Judeo-Christian mythology: David (Davy Tenzer) * Indian/Hindu mythology: Brahma, Durga, Ganesh, Hanuman, Kartikeyya, Mahadevi, Rama, Shiva, Vishnu * Greek/Roman mythology: * Titans of Myth: Coeus, Crius (presumed dead?), Iapetus (presumed dead), Mnemosyne, Oceanus, Phoebe (presumed dead), Rhea (presumed dead), Tethys (presumed dead?), Themis * Children of Titans: Athyns of Karakkan, Atlas, Eos, Lilith Clay (?), Wonder Girl I (Troia/Donna Troy)(?), Xanthi of Ozyron (presumed dead) * Parents of Titans: Gaia (Mother Earth), Uranus (Father Sky, presumed dead)
* Olympian Gods: Aphrodite/Venus, Artemis, Demeter/Ceres, Dionysus/Bacchus, Hebe, Hephaustus/Vulcan, Hera/Juno, Hermes/Mercury, Hestia, Pallas Athena/Minerva, Phoebus Apollo, Poseidon/Neptune, Sol, Zeus/Jove
* Demigods and Children of Gods: Harmonia (presumed dead), Herakles/Hercules, Wonder Girl II (Cassie Sandsmark)
* Heroes, Witches, and Legendary Creatures: Charon, Ferdinand the Minotaur, Lamia, Pegasus
* The Amazons (on Themyscira): Aella, Antiope (presumed dead), Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Cydippe, Clio, Euboea, Helene, Hippolyta, Mala, Melia, Menalippe, Mnenosyne, Nu'Bia, Penelope, Philippus, Polycasta, Pythia, Timandra, Venelia, Wonder Woman (Diana Prince, may be mortal)(?) * Centaurs: Chiron * The Furies (Kindly Ones): Alekto, Megaera, Tisiphone * Immortalized Heroes: Achilles
* Egyptian mythology: Aton, Atum, Horus (Heru), Isis, Mehen, Neith, Osiris, Ra (Amon), Sekhmet, Shu, Thoth (Zehuti) * Babylonian mythology: Nabu the Wise (Lord of Order; presumed dead) * African mythology: Ale, Mawu, Obatala, The Orishas, Shango * Atlantean mythology: Deedra, Jheryl, Weaver * Angels and Demons: [see Vertigo section] * Lords and Agents of Chaos and Order: Chaos (abstract), Order (abstract); Amethyst, Arion the Immortal, Doctor Fate, Gemimn, Gray Man, Jakk, Kid Eternity, Pantagones (presumed dead), St'nn, T'Charr and Terataya (Unity), Tynan * Supernatural: Baron Winters, Deadman, Doctor Mist (Nommo/Maltis), Doctor Occult, Madame Xanadu, Merlin, Nightmaster (Jim Rook)(?), Phantom Stranger, Prince Ra-Man (Mark Merlin; presumed dead), Rama Kushna, Rose Psychic, Sentinel, The Shade, Talon (shaman), Xavier Nihilo * Golems and Humunculi: Monolith (golem), Witchfire (humunculus)(?)
* Vampires and the Undead:
* Ghosts and Spirits: Yellow Peri (spirit/psychopomp) * Vampires: Andrew Bennett, Jonah (presumed dead), Looker (Emily "Lia" Briggs), Screamqueen (of Scare Tactics) * Zombies and Undead: Frankenstein
* Aliens and Cosmic Entities: Kismet, Lobo, Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz; near immortal)(?), Monitor, Pariah, Shattered God, Superman (?), Timeless Ones, Vext, Waverider (presumed dead) * 5th Dimension Beings: * The Aurakles: Halo
* Thunderbolts: Yz the Thunderbolt
* The Maltusians:
* Guardians of the Universe: Appa Ali Apsa (presumed dead), Ganthet, Herupa Handu Ho (presumed dead), Sayd, Scar, Sodam Yat * Zamarons: Aga'po, Dela Pharon, Lianna, Mother Zed (presumed dead), Nadia Safir, Teisho
* The Risen: Augera, Awl, Miss Materna Minxx, Mistos, Sacrosannt, The Word
* Mechanical: Metal Men (?) (Gold (presumed destroyed), Iron, Lead, Mercury, Platinum, Tin, Veridium), Hourman III (Matthew Tyler) (deconstructed), L-Ron (?), Robotman (?), Tomorrow Woman (?) * Super-powered Beings/Metahumans:Celsius (Arani Desai, of Doom Patrol) (?, presumed dead), Element Girl (Urania Blackwell; ceased being immortal with the help of Death; presumed dead), Element Lad (Jan Arrah; presumed dead), Eternity Man (Milo Mobius), The Forever Man (Doctor Reno Franklin), Immortal Man (Klarn; presumed dead), Iron Munro (son of Hugo Danner)(?), Metamorph the Element Man (?), Plastic Man * Energy Beings: Captain Atom (Nathaniel Adam; potential nuclear elemental), Negative Spirit/Rebis (Dr. Eleanor Poole, Larry Trainor, Valentina Vostok), Ray (Ray Terrill) (?), Wildfire (Drake Burroughs/Wild Flame)
* Altered Mortals (permanent): * The New Guardians: Betty Clawman, Extrano, Floronic Man (Dr. Jason Woodrue/Floro/The Plant-Master/Wood-rue), Gloss, Jet, Ram (presumed dead), Thomas Kalmaku
* Altered Mortals (temporary): * Limbo: * Phantom Zone captives (while captive): Christopher Kent, Mon-El
* Possession of Objects: * Magical: Super-Chief I (Flying Stag/Saganowahna; possessing the Saganowahna meteorite amulet) * Technological: Resurrection Man (Mitch Shelley; uses nanites)
* Great Evil Beast (Ultimate Darkness) * The New Gods: Anti-Life Equation Entity (presumed dead), Darkseid, Desaad, Glorious Godfrey, Kalibak (presumed dead), Kanto, Steppenwolf, Virman Vunderbar * Deep Six: Gole, Jaffar, Kurin, Shaligo the Flying Finback, Slig (presumed dead), Trok * Female Furies: Artemiz, Bernadeth, Bloody Mary, Gilotina, Granny Goodness, Lashina, Mad Harriet, Malice Vundabar, Speed Queen, Stompa, Wunda
* Thanagarian mythology: Seven Devils (Beska, Irble, Kokh, Onimar Synn (Sin Eater), Shekkel, Shoggoth, Vorox), Icthultu, Mar Rhigan * Norse mythology: Gudra (of Axis America), Loki, Surtur * Mesopotamian mythology: Bull of Heaven (presumed dead), Enki, Enkimdu, Enlil (presumed dead), Ereshkigal (Allatu/Irkalia; presumed dead), Gozer, Kingu (presumed dead), Lugal-Irra, Meslamta-Ea, Milissu, Nergal II (presumed dead), Tiamat, Utu * Kryptonian mythology: Cythonna * Japanese mythology: Izanami * Irish mythology: Morrigan * Greek/Roman mythology: * Titans of Myth: Cronus (presumed dead), Hyperion, Thia * Children of Titans: Sparta of Synriannaq (presumed dead) * Cyclopes * New Titans of Myth: Arch, Devastation, Disdain, Harrier, Oblivion, Slaughter, Titan * Giants of Myth * Hekatonkheires: Briareos (turned to stone), Cottus (presumed dead)
* Olympian Gods: Ares/Mars, Diana (presumed dead), Hades/Pluto, Hecate * Demigods and Children of Gods: Deimos (presumed dead), Duke of Deception, Earl of Greed, Eris (presumed dead), Eros, Lord Conquest, Lya, Lyta, Pan (presumed dead), Phobos (presumed dead), Triton
* Heroes, Witches, and Legendary Creatures: Cerberus, Circe, Decay (presumed dead), Echidna, Lamai (presumed dead), Mormolykeia
* Egyptian mythology: Hath-Set * Canaanite mythology: Baal * Aztec Mythology: Mixcoatl, Tezcatlipoca, Zaltec * Angels and Demons: [see Vertigo section] * Lords and Agents of Chaos and Order: Chaon, Child, Gorum, M'Shulla, Mordru, Pythia, Typhon, Vandaemon, Ynar * Supernatural: Blackbriar Thorn (?), Blackheart, Chang the Lord of the Green Dragon Tong (presumed dead), Enchantress, The Forever Woman (presumed dead), Lo-Lanke, Monsieur Stigmonus, Morgaine le Fey, Philip Burton, Queen of Fables * Vampires and the Undead: * Ghosts and Spirits: Gentleman Ghost, Squire Shade * Vampires: Azzarene, Crucifier (presumed dead), Dracula (Count Rominoff), Esteban Cruz, Jugula, The Monk (Richard Rallstone; presumed dead), Omikel, Roderick (presumed dead), Ruthven * Zombies and Undead: Solomon Grundy (Cyrus Gold; failed plant elemental), Un-Men
* Aliens and Cosmic Entities: The A, Bizarro, Agamemno, Anti-Monitor, Black Flash, The Candlemaker, Dark Angel, Doomsday, Evil Star, The Immortal (Prester John of the Cadre; presumed dead), Imperiex (?), The Infernal One, King of Tears, Osira, The Overmaster (presumed dead), The Time Trapper (?) * 5th Dimensional Beings:
* Imps: Bane-Mite, Bat-Mite, Kiku, Mr. Mxyzptlk, Ms. Gsptlsnz, Mixyezpitellik, Quisp/Qwsp * Thunderbolts: Lkz
* 6th Dimensional Beings: ID * The Blight * The Empire of Tears: Qull of the Five Inversions * The Maltusians: Krona * The Controllers:
* Mechanical: Manhunters, Amazo, Brainiac, Djinn (of Jihad) * Super-powered Beings/Metahumans: Cicada, Damien Darhk, Deathstroke the Terminator (Slade Wilson), King of the Royal Flush Gang (Joe Carny; presumed dead), Kulak, Mister Freeze (?), Multi-Man (of the Injustice League), Per Degaton (?), Proletariat, Scavenger II, Vandal Savage (Vandar Adg), Vigilante VI (Adeline Wilson/Kane; presumed dead) * Energy Beings: Chemo (?), Doctor Bedlam, Major Force, Nebula Man (Neh-Buh-Loh; ?), Pulsar Stargrave, Solaris
* Altered Mortals (permanent): * Immortality Potions: General Immortus (presumed dead), Kyle Abbot (lycanthrope), Professor Ivo (Anthony Ives/Libra), Queen Bee (Zazzala; immortality reversed), Whisper A'Daire (lycanthrope)
* Altered Mortals (temporary):
* Limbo: * Phantom Zone captives (while captive):General Zod, Non, Ursa, White Martians
* Possession of Objects:
* Magical: Bison-Black-As-Midnight-Sky (existing inside the Bison Cult Talisman), Felix Faust (possessing the Hermes Trismegistus), Super-Chief II (Saganowahna II; possessing the Saganowahna meteorite amulet)
* Lazarus Pit: Kobra, Nyssa Raatko, Ra's al Ghul, Talia al Ghul
=== === === === * The Endless: Death/Teleute, Delirium/Delight, Desire, Destiny, Despair, Destruction, Dream (Daniel, Morpheus/Oneiros (presumed dead)) * The Dreaming:Abel, Brute and Glob, Cain, Corinthian, Cuckoo, Dream's Gate Keepers (A wyvern, a griffin and a hippogriff), Dream's Raven (Aristeas, Dechtire, Francois, Hatshepsut, Jehuda, Jessamy, Lucien, Matthew, Ming-Ti, Tethys, Vivien) Eve, Fashion Thing, Gilbert (Fiddler's Green), Goldie, Gregory, Hector Hall (Scarab/Doctor Fate), Lucien, Lyta Hall (Fury II), Mervyn Pumpkinhead, Prez Rickard, Rover (lycanthrope), Ruthven, Taramis, Tempto (Serpent of Eden) * Elementals: Brother Power the Geek (failed elemental/puppet elemental)(?), (an) Information Elemental (presumed dead), Norfulthing (Terror Elemental; presumed dead), Pestilence (Virus Elemental), Sila (first Elemental Essence), Spore (Fungus Elemental from The Grey), Thunder Petal (flower elemental) * Parliament of Flames: (presumed dead) * Fire Elementals: Corona, Firestorm I (Professor Martin Stein)
* Parliament of Stones: (presumed dead) * Stone Elementals: Earth-Thing
* Parliament of Trees: (presumed dead) Bifa, Bog Venus, Canan Kax, Eyam, Fields-That-Stalk, Ghost-Hiding-In-The-Rushes, Great Phoenix, Great Url, Hart-In-The-Trees, The Heap, Holland-Father (Alec Holland/Swamp Thing/Monster of the Fens/Bog God), Jack-in-the-Green (Alfred "Alf" Oldland), Kettle Hole-Devil, Lady Jane (Alicia Huston), Matango, Misk, Ohtehrah (Gangmi/Yeti/Raksa/The Abominable Snowman), Saint Columba, Sarga, Swamp Knucker, Yggdrasil * Earth Elementals (The Green):Black Orchid (Susan Linden-Thorne, Flora Black, Suzy) (?), Hyathis (of Alstair), Swamp Thing (Aaron Hayley, Alan Hollman, Alex Olsen, Alec Holland), The Sprout (Tefé Holland)
* Parliament of Vapors: (presumed dead) * Air Elementals: Red Tornado II (Tornado Champion)
* Parliament of Waves: (presumed dead) * Water Elementals (The Blue): Naiad (Mai Miyazaki), Water Spirit
* Parliament of Worlds: Mars, Oa, (Jupiter, Mercury, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, Venus; assumed members)
* Winathian mythology: Validus (Lord of Lightning) (?) * Norse mythology: Angerboda, Baldur (presumed dead), Bergelmir, Fenrir the Sun-Eater, Freya, Geri and Freki, Hel Half-Rotted, Hodir, Hrimtursa, Hugin and Munin, Jormungund the World Serpent, Loki, Narvi (presumed dead), The Norns, Odin the All-Father, Sif, Sigyn, Skadi, Sleipnir, Thor * Native American mythology: Blue Flint Girl (Mother of the Whirlwinds), Coyote-Old Man (Father Craft), Thunderbird, The Voiceless Gods (presumed dead), White-Buffalo-Woman (Brown Mary) * Mesopotamian mythology: Erishad's gods (gods of Uruk; presumed dead) * Japanese mythology: Kagutsuchi (presumed dead), Susano-O-No-Mikoto, Tsuki-Yomi (presumed dead), Yama-no-Kami (presumed dead) * Greek/Roman mythology: Calliope (muse), Cupid (Q), Euridice (presumed dead), Geryon, The Gorgons (Stheno, Euryale), The Hecatee/The Moirae/The Fates (Atropos, Clotho, Lachesis), Orpheus (presumed dead), Psyche (Fly Girl; presumed dead) * Egyptian mythology: Bast * Babylonian mythology: Ishtar * Angels and Demons: * Angels: Brotherless One (Gray Walker/perhaps Phantom Stranger), Death-Angel of the Third Heaven, The Word (Logos)
* Angels of Silver City/Elysium: Casor, Chamiel (presumed dead), Enoch, Mesukiel, Sandalphon, Sariel (presumed dead), Tali, Zelah * The Archangels: Dariel (presumed dead), Gabriel, Ibriel (presumed dead), Michael Demiurgos (Michael the Archangel), Raguel (becomes Aztar after exile), Raphael, Samael (became Lucifer after exile), Saraquael, Uriel * The Cherubs (Cherubim/Second Order/The Pax Dei/Army of Heaven): Amphodel, Echielais (presumed dead), Gargonel * Bull Host: Baumiel, Rrall * Eagle Host: Heraphon, Zauriel * Human Host * Lion Host
* The Divine Spirits
* Divine Mercy (Radiant - past/present hosts: Sister Clarice) * Divine Vengeance (Spectre/Angel of Vengeance - past/present hosts: Aztar (former demon, resigned), Crispus Allen, Hal Jordan (resigned), Jim Corrigan (resigned)) * Divine Wrath (Angel of Wrath; replaced/merged with the Spectre Force - past/present hosts:Eclipso (deposed))
* The Schechina (Earth-Born Angels): Angel of Light (Blithe), Angel of Love (Comet), Angel of Fire (Ember, Supergirl II/Linda Danvers, Twilight) * The Seraphs (Seraphim/First Order): Metatron, Kemuel, Nathanael * The Thrones (Orphanim/Third Order): Amenadiel (presumed dead)
* Demons: The Beast, The Devil, Nick Slick, Old Scratch, Prince of Darkness, Satan, Shadow Dog
* Demonized Humans: Anton Arcane, Blue Devil, Brother Hugh, Buzz (Marcus Gaius), The Creeper (Jack Ryder), Kid Devil (Red Devil/Edward Alan Bloomberg), The Mawzir (presumed dead), Naamah (Naomi), Nergal I (Black Nergal), Rudd (Christopher Rudd), Sabbac (Timothy Karnes (presumed dead), Ishmael Gregor), White Magician (Asquith Randolph/Mister Magik; presumed dead) * Devils, Djinn, and Minor Demons: Abraxis, Agares, Agilieth (presumed dead), Agony, The Arkannone (Lords of the Gun, presumed dead), Asmodeus, Asteroth, Azmodus (Chakara; presumed dead), Barbatos, Baytor (Lord of Insanity), Bazu, Behemoth, Bella Donna (yuppie demon), Belyllioth, Blathoxi, Bor'r'wik (presumed dead), Braid, Brosag (presumed dead), Buer, Calibraxis, Carnivore (Carl Carnivean, presumed dead), Charun, Choronzon, Chthon, Clutcher (presumed dead), C'th the Undying (presumed dead), Dag-Raith, Dalkriig-Hath (presumed dead), Demon Constantine, Devo, Dominique, Dromos, Echidna, Ecstacy, Effrul (presumed dead; transformed into a realm of Hell), Hauptman, Hellrazer, Hurmizah, Jyzyl, Kamara the Fear Monster, Keeper of the Oracle of the Styx (presumed dead), Khara, Kusornes (presumed dead), Lacewing, Leatherwing, Lurgo, M'nagalah the Cancer God, Mahakala, Merkin the Mother of Spiders, Miss Vuall, Mnemoth (hunger demon), Morax, Morgastes, The Myrmidons, N'z'rath, Nelwe'enyx (presumed dead), Oracle of the Styx, Puzzlestick, Raan Va Daath of the Pit, Raum, Rodney Bubosganglia (yuppie demon), Rosacarnis, "Satan," Shaitan, Squatterblot, Tala, Thpot, Toll, Tuma'el, Vasuki the Serpent King, Ziial (presumed dead)
* Djinn: Arrakhat (presumed dead), Azazel (Arch-Duke) * Exegesis Guild:
* The Forges * The Renderers
* Infernal Hosts:
* Howlers: Chris Puckett, Joe, Roger, Mr. Reagan, Mrs. Sanchez * Necromages: * Rhyming Demons: Bloodklott, Etrigan the Demon (Jason Blood/Iason), Neron (demoted Lord; presumed dead), Nyx (Rhyming Demon)
* Oni and Shiko-Me: Kijo, Musubi, Ritsime (presumed dead)
* Extra-Dimensional Demons: Dreamslayer (of Earth-8), Invunche, Nekron I, Nekron II, Parallax, Raven (?), Trigon
* Demons Three: Abnegazar, Ghast, Rath * Jin En Mok: Cestis (presumed dead), Saul (presumed dead)
* The Fallen: Abaddon the Destroyer (Arch-Fiend), Araquel (presumed dead), Asmodel (Arch-Fiend), Aztar, Duam, First of the Fallen, Gaudium, Lucifer Morningstar (Lightbringer/Samael), Meleos, Remiel, Second of the Fallen (presumed dead), Scabbies (captured angels), Spera (Hope), Third of the Fallen (presumed dead) * Lords, Arch-Dukes and Arch-Fiends: Adramalech, Beelzebub (Baalzebub), Belial, Duke Seviram, Lady Blaze, Lady Crone, Lady Lys, Lilith (Mother of Demons; presumed dead), Lord Arux, Lord Kakk, Lord Mephistopheles, Lord Satanus (presumed dead), Lord Scapegoat, Lord Wotan, Mordecai Smyt, Nebiros, Nergal (former Mesopotamian god), Stamma, Thing-That-Cannot-Die (presumed dead)
* Minions, Familiars, and Servants: Glieve (presumed dead), Minokh (presumed dead), Prackspoor, Quell, Sirrah * Lilith's Progeny: * Incubi and Succubi: Chantinelle (Ellie), Daemon (presumed dead), Leah (Alleatha; presumed dead), Sekuba, Triskelle * Lilim: Briadach the Blind, Elokim Shaer, General Loth, General Misran, Mahu (presumed dead), Mazikeen, Ophur, Scoria
* Angel/Demon Hybrids: Genesis (demon/angel hybrid; presumed dead), Nikki (demon/angel hybrid) * Children of Angels: Cal, Elaine Belloc
* Legendary Creatures: Lord Kaproth, The Love Syndicate of Dreamworld (Magic Lantern, Speed Freak, Sunshine Superman), Petrefax, The Never Never Boys (Wynken, Blynken, Nod), Spirit of London, The Wild Hunt (Gou, Lord of the Hunt, Veja, Köndös (presumed dead)) * Fables: * Americana Fables: John Henry, Lady Luck, Paul Bunyan (presumed dead), Pecos Bill * Arabian Fables: Aladdin, Ali Baba, Hakim, Sinbad, Yusuf (presumed dead) * Fabletown Fables: Ambrose (Flycatcher/Frog Prince), Barbara Allen (presumed dead), Beauty and the Beast, Bigby Wolf, Bluebeard (presumed dead/ghost), Boy Who Cried Wolf, Briar Rose (Sleeping Beauty), Bufkin, Cinderella, Count of Monte Cristo (Edmond Dantès), Doctor Swineheart, The Forsworn Knight (Sir Lancelot), The Frankenstein Monster, Gretel (presumed dead/ghost), Gudrun the Goose, Hansel, Humpty Dumpty (presumed dead), Ichabod Crane (presumed dead), Incitatus, Jack Horner (Jack of Fables/Jack of the Tales/Jack the Giant Killer/Jack Be Nimble/Jack Frost/Jack Candlestick/Jack O'Lantern/Wicked John), Katrinelje, Kay, King Cole, Little Black Sambo, Mary Mary Quite Contrary, Max (the Pied Piper of Hamelin), Mister Grandours, Mister Jack Sprat (presumed dead), Mister North (The North Wind), Mister Web (Spider; presumed dead/ghost), Mrs. Jack Sprat, Mrs. Muffet-Web (Little Miss Muffet), Peter Piper, Prince Charming (presumed dead), Rapunzel, Red Riding Hood, Sally Morrison (presumed dead), Sergeant Harp (presumed dead), Shylock, Snow White, Thrushbeard, Trusty John (presumed dead/ghost) * The Crow Brothers: Ephram, Joel, Vulco (nine of twelve presumed dead) * The Cubs: Ambrose, Blossom, Conner, Darien, Ghost, Therese, Winter * Fairies:Bean Nighe, Blue Fairy (presumed dead), Tooth Fairy * Magic-users: Baba Yaga, Frau Totenkinder (Black Forest Witch; immortal only through child sacrifice) * The Tourists: Feathertop, Mowgli, Woodsman
* Farm Fables: Baba Yaga's Hut, The Billy Goats Gruff (Bill), Boy Blue, Chicken Little, Clarathea (Clara), Cock Robin (presumed dead), Commander Arrow, Goldilocks, Goosey Loosey, Jack Ketch, King Noble, Lion, Mary and Her Little Lamb (lamb presumed dead), Mean Little Sunflower Kid, Mersey Dotes, Mother Goose, Old Woman That Lived In A Shoe, The Owl and the Pussycat, Peter Cottontail, Puss In Boots, The Raven, Reynard the Fox, Rose Red, Stinky Badger, Swan, Tortoise and the Hare, Weyland Smith (presumed dead/ghost) * Br'er Fables: Br'er Bear, Br'er Fox, Br'er Rabbit * Hey Diddle Diddle Fables: The Cow (Bovalunaris), The Dish, Fiddling Cat, Laughing Dog, The Moon, The Spoon * Hickory Dickory Fables: Hickory Dickory Dock Clock, Hickory Dickory Dock Mouse * Jungle Book Fables: Bagheera, Ballo, Kaa, King Louie, Shere Khan (presumed dead/ghost) * Smalltown: The Liliputians (Jill, Johnny Bullhorn (John Barleycorn), Sergeant Wilfred (partnered with Corporal Rex (presumed dead))), Mustard Pot Pete, Thumbelina, Thumbelina's Mice, Tom Thumb * The Three Bears: Baby Bear, Boo (presumed dead), Mama, Papa * The Three Blind Mice * The Three Pigs: Colin, Dun, Posey (all presumed dead) * The Three Sleepers: Donnie, Lonnie, Ronny * Wind-In-The-Willows Fables: Mister Badger, Mister Frog, Mole * Wonderland Fables: The Cards, Cheshire Cat, Mister Carpenter, Mister Walrus, White Rabbit
* Homeland Fables: Alice from Wonderland, Aslan (presumed dead), The Brave Little Tailor (presumed dead), Britomart (presumed dead), Captain Hinterfox, Colonel Bearskin (presumed dead), Count Aucassin de Beaucaire (presumed dead), Don Quixiote and Pancho, Gandalf the Grey, Geppetto (The Adversary), Governor General Chernomor (presumed dead), Inquisitor General Hansel, Janet, Jiminy Cricket, King of Bornegascar (presumed dead), King of Madagao (presumed dead), King Pellinore (presumed dead). Minister Muddlecock (presumed dead), Mrs. Peaspatter, Red Riding Hood's Grandmother, The Redcross Knight (presumed dead), Sir Herman von Starkenfaust (presumed dead), Snow Queen (Lumi), Snow White's Dwarves (presumed dead), Tam Lin (presumed dead), Winter * Merry Men: Friar Tuck (presumed dead), John Small (Little John; presumed dead), Robin Hood (Robin O' The Wood; presumed dead); (all presumed dead) * Oz Fables: Dorothy, The Cowardly Lion, Jack Pumpkinhead, Munchkins, The Nome King, The Scarecrow, The Tin Woodsman, Toto (presumed dead) * The Three Horsemen * The Three Knights: Bright Day, Dark Night, Radiant Sun * The Three Men In A Tub: The Butcher, The Baker, and the Candlestick Maker * Thrumbly Hares: Colonel Thunderfoot
* Literals: Bookburner, Gary (Pathetic Fallacy), Kevin Thorn, Mister Revise (Cutting Man/Warlock's Bane/The Unmaker/The Master Librarian), The Page Sisters (Hillary, Priscilla, Robin), Prose Page * North Pole Fables: Mrs. Claus, Santa Claus, Santa's Reindeer * Trolls and Goblins: The Devil, Goblin Army, Grimble, Hobbes, Iron Shoes (Redcap), Ogren, Throk * Wooden Soldiers: Drew, Hugh, June (carver), Lou, Pinnochio (former), Rodney (former)
* Faerie: Ava (exile), Julie (faerie bear), Verian * Brownies/Pixies: Bridie, Cluracan (Ambassador to Queen Titania), Nuala * Changelings/Gale Sidhe: Linda * Flitlings: Briar Rose, Rosehip, Thistle, Woodbine, Yarrow (Fool of the Forthing) * Fotches: Gyvv * Human Residents (repressed aging): Hamnet Shakespeare (presumed dead), Mary Hunter (potential faerie; presumed dead), Molly O'Reilly (?), Tamlin the Falconer (Tamlin Clayborne; presumed dead) * Hobgoblins: Puck (Robin Goodfellow) * Royalty/Seelie Court: King Auberon (current king), King Huon the Small (Huon the Leveller), King Magnus, Prince Taik, Queen Dymphna (transformed into a tree), Queen Mab (presumed dead), Queen Titania (as human:Rosebud/Maryrose; current queen), Regent King Obrey (presumed dead) * Royal Attendants: Amadan (Amadan-na-Briona, Fool of the Forthing; presumed dead), Mazaran, Musterseed, Peaseblossom, Skarrow, Wendel * Trolls and Goblins: Dru (goblin), Stur (troll; presumed dead), Sturm (troll), Stumpf (troll; presumed dead), Wood Goblins * The Unseelie:
* Supernatural: The Archons of Nùrnheim, Basanos (presumed dead), John Constantine (Archetype) (?), The Gardener, Gwendolyn (immortal through magic), Happy (golem), The King of Birds, Mad Hettie, Merlin (Myrddin), Pharamond, Saint of Killers, The Silk Man, Tanger and Crimple, Thessaly, The Three (Mother, Maiden, and Crone/Mildred, Cynthis, and Mordred) * Lords and Agents of Chaos and Order: Kilderkin of Order, Shivering Jemmy of the Shallow Brigade of Chaos (The Lady of Cheap Coosmetics/The Queen of Wounds) * Vampires and the Undead: * Ghosts and Spirits:Charles Rowland (ghost), Crazy Lightning (ghost), Edwin Paine (ghost), Hemlock (tree spirit; presumed dead), Ikkumaâluk (fire spirit), Mona Doyle (ghost; presumed dead/sent to afterlife), Sitka (tree spirit; presumed dead), Whispering Jack (ghost) * Vampires: Cassidy (cured), King of the Vampires I (presumed dead), King of the Vampires II (Darius, presumed dead) * Zombies and Undead: John Dee (Dr. Dee/Doctor Destiny; undead from Dream Ruby?)(?), Patchwork Man (Gregori Arcane)
* Aliens and Cosmic Entities: The Aleph
* Altered Mortals: Children of Free Country (Daniel the Chimney Sweep (left Free Country; transformed into a dog), Jumping Joan, Marya (left Free Country)), Erishad of Uruk (Pauline Sorsky; presumed dead), Erishad's baby, Hob Gadling, Little Sisters of Our Lady of the Razor, Naram-Sin of Uruk (?), Ricthie Simpson (?), Rose Walker (?)
---- * Aliens and Cosmic Entities: Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged
=== === ---- * Hermetic mythology: Promethea, Thoth-Hermes * Angels and Demons: Andras, Marchosias * Vampires and the Undead: Dracula (presumed dead),
* Residents of the Immateria: Anna, Barbara Shelley, Grace Brannagh, Little Margie, Margaret Taylor Case, William Woolcott * Aliens and Cosmic Entities: The Rumor * Mechanical: Pneuman * Super-powered Beings: Splash Brannigan * Altered Mortals: Dhalua (?), Tesla Strong (?), Tom Strong (?) === === === === * God * Judeo-Christian mythology: Judas the Betrayer, Saint George * Angels and Demons: Arcangels, Ekimus, The Grigori, Lisseth, Lucifer, Zophiel * Supernatural: Chalkydri, Children of Judas, Scarlet, Red Hoods, Sapha, Stella * Vampires and the Undead:Alex Elder (Crimson), Azzo (presumed dead), Joe the Indian, Xula === === * Norse mythology: Fenris * Vampires and the Undead: Christopher Truelove, The Eidelon, The Weavers, Zeke (Maxi) * Aliens and Cosmic Entities: * Century Babies: Addie Vochs, Alex Brass, Bret Leather, Elijah Snow, Gaia Rothstein, Jenny Fractal, Jenny Quantum (formerly incarnated as Jenny Sparks, Jenny Steam, Jenny Revolution, Jenny Plague, Jenny Inquisition, Jenny Crusade, Jenny Ra, Jenny Fire, and Jenny Stone), Lord Blackstock * Spirits: Rose Tattoo (Spirit of Murder) * Coda: Andromache (presumed dead), Artemis, Baroness Destine (presumed dead), Cassandra (presumed dead), Christina Blaze, Cordelia, Delphae, Devin, Grand Sarin (presumed dead), Lady Harmony (presumed dead) * D'Rahn: Lord Typhon (presumed dead), Pildra, Syth, Zentrue * Daemonites: Baron B'lial, Hightower, Lord Helspont, Lord Defile, Olympia Atreides, Mr. White (presumed dead), S'Ym * Kherubim: Charis (Nemesis), Ferrian (presumed dead), Kenesha (Savant), Lady Zannah (Zealot), Lord Emp, Lord Entropy, Lord Khull Imperator, Lord Majestros (Mister Majestic), Lord Mythos, Lord S'lyton, Marc Slayton (Backlash), Raven, Stratos, Yohn Kohl (Spartan)
* Altered Mortals: John Stone, Mother (Establishment) === === * Super-powered Beings: Adam Monroe (presumed dead), Claire Bennet (?), Sylar (?) === === === === * Vampires and the Undead: The Confessor (presumed dead)
* African mythology: (pantheon; undisclosed deities/divinities) * Aztec/Mayan mythology: (pantheon; undisclosed deities/divinities) * Buddhist mythology:Garuda?, (pantheon; undisclosed deities/divinites) * Egyptian mythology: Anubis, Set, (pantheon; undisclosed deities/divinities) * Indian/Hindu mythology: (pantheon; undisclosed deities/divinites) * Japanese/Shinto mythology: (pantheon; undisclosed deities/divinities) * Norse mythology: The Aesir (Fro (Fraujaz), Heimdallr, Loki, Odin, Thor, Tyr), The Dvergar, Hugin, Jörmungandr, The Jötnar (Ægir, Surtur, Ymir (presumed dead)), The Ljósálfar (Light Elves), Munin (presumed dead), The Nomir (Norns), The Valkyrie === === * Vampires and the Undead: Alan Frog, Arlington Coven, Black Widow of Santa Carla, Chloe (presumed dead), Congressman Barlowe (presumed dead), David, Redcoats, Senator Lucard (presumed dead), Shane Powers (presumed dead) === === * World of Warcraft mythology:
* Gods and Demi-gods: Agamaggan, Aviana, Cenarius, Earthmother, Etune, Lord Xavius, Malorne the Waywatcher, Old Gods, Queen Azshara, Ursoc, Ursol * Loa
* Titans: Dark Titans (Sargeras)
* Elementals: Elemental Lords (Ragnaros the Firelord (fire elemental), Therazane the Stonemother (earth elemental), Al'Akir the Windlord (air elemental), Neptulon the Tidehunter (water elemental)) * Angels and Demons: Man'ari Eredar (Archimonde), The Nathrezim (Balnazzar, Varimathras)(?)
* Legendary Creatures:
* Ancient Protectors * Dragons: * Elves: * Kaldorei/The Night Elves (revoked)(?): Anessa (presumed dead), Broll Bearmantle (presumed dead), Fandral Staghelm, Telandria, Tyrande Whisperwind, Vesprystus * The Naga: Morgala Darksquall (presumed dead)
* Quel'dorei/The Highborne (revoked)(?): Dath'Remar Sunstrider
* Dryads * Keepers of the Grove
* Mountain Giants:
* Satyrs:
* Supernatural: Remulos * Vampires and the Undead:Abominations, Alexandros Mograine, Anub'Rekhan, Darion Mograine, The Forsaken (Sylvanas Windrunner), Grobbulus, High Inquisitor Fairbanks, Kel'Thuzad, Lich King, Meryl Felstorm, Stasia Fallshadow,
== == * Super-powered Beings: Silver Streak (?)
---- * Vampires and the Undead: Mirza (Mirela Zamanova; vampire)
---- * Vampires and the Undead:
* Vampires: Cracker (presumed dead), Gdeon (presumed dead), Miranda Mastenbrook
* Vampires and the Undead: Billy, Dane, Eben Olemaun, Maggie, Marlowe (presumed dead), Norris, Thomas Ramandt, Vicente (presumed dead), Zurial
* The Night Crew: Santana
* Mechanical: Hardhead, Jhiaxus * Vampires and the Undead: Selene (vampire)
== == ---- * God * Judeo-Christian mythology: The Disciples (Apostles; James the Less, Judas, Simn Peter), Jesus Christ (Man of Miracles/Mother of Existence)
* Angels and Demons:
* Angels: Angela
* Demons: Abaddon, Desiccator, Malebolgia, Mammon, Phlegethonyarre, Satan, Thamuz, Violator * Hellspawn: Spawn (Al Simmons), Mandarin, Morana
* Supernatural: Cogliostro * Aliens and Cosmic Entities: The Viltrumite (Omni-Man) * Super-powered Beings: Badrock (?), Blood Fist (Haemon/Wolfe; presumed dead), Christian Walker (Gor/Gora/Blue Streak/Diamond), Master Han Xian-Zi, The Immortal * Supernatural: Lord Recluse
---- * Vampires and the Undead: Misty
---- * Vampires and the Undead: Fiends of the Eastern Front (Captain Constanta, Corporal Gorgo; vampires)
== == * Vampires and the Undead:
* Vampires: Erick Lugo, Ivan Lugo
== == ---- * Elder God mythology: Fujin, Shinnok * Angels and Demons: Lucifer, Oni Daemons (Drahmin, Moloch, Quan Chi), Sereena * Legendary Creatures: Shokan (Gorbak, Goro, Mai)
* God (Hand of God/One-Above-All) * Demiurge * Elder Gods: Atum (Nun/Demogorge), Gaea (Aditi/Erce/Neith/Ninhursag), Isuus, Oshtur * Second Generation: Buri, Nun, Ouranos (presumed dead)
* Aboriginal/Australian mythology: Altjira, Baiame, Daramulum, Julunggul, Marmoo, Narahdarn * Aztec mythology:Ahpuch (Mictlantechutli). Hunab-Ku, Itzamna, Mictlantecuhtli, Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca
* Celtic mythology: Angus, Anpao, Arawn, Arianhrod, Badb/Andraste, Boann, Bodb (The Red Lord), Brigit, Caber, Cernunnos, Conor, Crom, Cuchulain, Cuthbadth, Dagda, Danu (Gaea), Eochaid Ollathir, Fuamnach, Niamh (Lady of the Lake), Leir, Lud, Lug, Macha, Midir, Morrigan, Nemain, Nuada/Nuadhu, Oghma, Rhiannon, Scathach, Taranis * Chinese mythology: Hou-Tou (Gaea), Shou-Hsing, Yu Huang * Egyptian mythology: Siapep (Devourer) * The Ennead: Anubis (Anpu), Geb, Horus, Isis, Nephthys, Nut, Osiris, Shu * Heliopolitans: Bast, Bes, Chons, Hathor, Horos, Khnum, Khonshu, Maat, Ptah, Seshat, Taweret, Tefnut, Thoth * The Ogdoad: Ammon Ra
* Finnish mythology: Akka (Gaea), Ukko, Vammatar * Greek/Roman mythology:
* Olympian Gods: Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Neptune, Pluto, Priapus, Venus, Vesta, Zeus * Titans: Asteria, Astraeus, Atlas, Coeus, Cronus, Dione, Hyperion, Japetus, Dione, Eprimetheus, Hecate, Leto, Menoetius, Mnemosyne, Oceanus, Ophion, Pallas, Perses, Phoebe, Rhea, Tethys, Prometheus, Themis, Thia * Demigods and Children of Gods: Hercules, Hippolyta
* Hawaiian mythology: Haumea, Hiiaka, Hina, Kai-Tangata, Laka, Namaka, Papa, Pele, Polivah, Rangi, Rongo, Tame, Tangaroa, Tawhaki, Tu * Hyborian mythology: Hyborian Gods (Asura, Crom, Lir, Mitra), Sedrick, Snakes of Many Colors (Jandlinatjari) * Indian/Hindu mythology: Daevas (Agni, Ammavaru, Brahma, Daksha, Dharma, Dyaus, Ganesha, Himavat, Indra, Kali, Kama, Lakshmi, Maya, Menahka, Padma, Parvati, Prithivi, Ratri, Sarasvati, Shiva, Soma, Ushas, Vach, Varuna, Vishnu, Yama, Yudhishthara) * Japanese mythology:Amaterasu, Ame-no-Mi-Kumari, Bishamon, Ho-Ti, Inari, Izanagi, Izanami (Yo/Gaea), Kaminari, Mikaboshi, Susanoo, Takamimusubi, Tsuki-Yomi * Mesopatamian mythology: Annunaki (Anu, Saja, Tammuz) * Mongolian mythology: Erlik, Ulgen, Vaat * Native American mythology: Calumet, Haokah, Hotamintanio, Manitou, Nanabozho, Nokomis (Gaea), Owayodata, Tawa, Tomazooma * Norse mythology: Balder the Brave, Frey, Frigga, Heimdall, Hermod the Brave, Hoder, Lorelei (presumed dead), Mimir, Odin, Sif, Thor, Tyr, Vidar, Volla
* Valkyrior/The Vallkyrie: Brunnhilde, Grimgerda, Helmviga, Hildegarde, Krista, Leita, Danielle Moonstar, Ortlinda, Rossveissa, Siegrina, Valtrauta * Warriors Three: Fandral the Dashing, Hogun the Grim, Volstagg the Valiant
* Persian mythology: Yazatas (Ahura Mazda, Atar, Mitra), Zoroaster
* Russian/Slavic mythology: Dievas (Perun, Svarog)
* Angels and Demons: Cherub Thrasher
* Angels: Andy, Angel of Death (Azrael/Lazaer), Apparition, Armaziel, Brandy Ash, Daniel, Darlene, Emmael (presumed dead), Hamael, Izadquiel, Janus (Golden Angel, Son of Dracula), Lusa Gregor, Jodyquiel, Harry Moran, Rudiger, Sansenoy, Semangol, Senoy, Shamhazai, Spirit of Christmas, Thrasher, Todyquiel, Tzadquiel, Uriel, Zachariah
* Archangels: Esther, Gabriel (Chairman Gabriel), Metatron, Raziel, Ruth
* Agents of Heaven: Ingenuity Lee, Stephen Loss
* Asura:
* Council of Thrones: Arcturus, Ephesus * Ephemra:Anielle (The Fallen One, the Heaven-Sent, Just-Fallen; presumed dead) * Grigori: Armaros (presumed dead), Azazel (presumed dead), Esphares (presumed dead), Ezekeel (presumed dead), Gadriel, Grigori, Hafaza, Sariel, Tariel
* Angel/Demon hybrids: Deuteronomy, Sybil
* Demons: * Demonized humans: Fafnir Hellhand (demonized arm), Terror (Shreck, demonized human)
* Supernatural: Merlyn, Roma, Saint of Therapists * Vampires and the Undead: Barnabas Collins (vampire), Frankenstein Monster (Adam), Hannibal King (vampire)
* Aliens and Cosmic Entities: Abraxas (presumed dead), Death, Entropy, Eon (He Who Waits; presumed dead), Epoch, Eternity, Galactus, In-betweener, Infinity, Korvac (Michael Korva), Kronos, Living Tribunal, Lord Chaos, Master Order, Nemesis, Oblivion, Phoneix Force * Beyonders
* Celestials: Arishem the Judge, Ashema the Listener, Devron the Experimenter, Eson the Searcher, Exitar the Exterminator, Gamiel the Manipulator, Gammenon the Gatherer, Hargen the Measurer, Jemiah the Analyzer, The Monolith Gatherer, Nezarr the Calculator, The One Above All, Oneg the Prober, Scathan the Approver, Tefral the Surveyor, Tiamut, The Dreaming Celestial, Ziran the Tester, "Blue Celestial", "Red Celestial", "Red/Blue Judge"
* Cosmic Cubes: Beyonder (Kosmos), Kubik, Shaper of Worlds
* Elders of the Universe: Architect, Astronomer (presumed dead), Caregiver, Champion, Collector, Contemplator, Ego, Explorer, Gardener, Grandmaster, Judicator, Obliterator, Possessor (presumed dead), Runner, Trader (presumed dead) * Eternals:
* First Generation Eternals (those born before the fall of Titanos): Daina, Kronos (Chronos/Chronus; presumed dead/spirit), Master Elo
* Second Generation Eternals (those alive at the time of Chronus' experiment): Alars, Arnaa, Cybele, Forgotten One (Gilgamesh/Hero), Helios, Perse, Rakar, Tulayn, Valkin (All-Father/Colonel Vulcanin), Virako, Zuras (presumed dead/spirit). * Third Generation Eternals (born after Chronos' experiment): Aginar, Ajak (Ajax the Greater/Quetzacoatl/Tecumotzin; presumed dead), Arex (Ajax the Lesser), Atlo, Domo, Ikaris (Sovereign), Interloper (Will Fanshaw), Mara, Phastos, Sigmar, Thena (Azura), Veron, Zarin. * Fourth Generation Eternals (born after the coming of the Second Host, 20,000 years ago): Argos, Ceyote, Chi Demon, the Delphan brothers, Druig, Khoryphos, Makkari (Hurricane/Mercury/Major Victory), Pixie, Psykos, Sersi (Circe/Sylvia Sersi/Mesmer), Kingo Sunen, El Vampiro. * Fifth Generation Eternals(born after the coming of the Third Host, 3,000 years ago): Aurelle, Sprite, Titanis.
* Octessence/Exemplars: Cyttorak, Farallah, Ikonn, Krakkan, Balthakk, Raggadorr, Valtorrm Watoomb
* Watchers: Aron, Uatu
* Mechanical: Caretaking Automaton (presumed dead) * Super-powered Beings/Mutants: Deadpool, Mister Immortal (of GLA), Wolverine (?) * Altered Mortals (permanent): * Magical: Ancient One (?)
* Altered Mortals (temporary): * Possession of Objects: * Magical: Possessors of the Bloodstone (Elsa Bloodstone, Ulysses Bloodstone (Captain Ahab/Frank/Redstone Kid; presumed dead)
* The Archenemy (presumed dead) * Elder Gods:Belathauzer, Chthon, Set * Egyptian mythology: The Ennead (Seth), Heliopolitans (Sekhmet)
* Greek/Roman mythology: Nyx, Pluto * Hyborian mythology: Devourer of Souls (made mortal), Ape-Thing (presumed dead), Omm, Oranah the Stag God, The Shedu, Snakes of Many Colors (Yarralamundu), Thulsa Doom, Xuthl the Demon Lord, Yaamai * Hyborian Gods: Borri, Dagon, Erlik, Ishiti, Jergal Zadh, Zug
* Judeo-Christian mythology: Gog, Magog * Mesopotamian mythology: Annunaki (Ba'al, Ereshkigal, Inanna,Lilith (Kiskillilla), Marduk, Martu, Moloch, Nergal,Sà-Bal-Bal, Tiamat, Ullikimus), The Bailiff of Inanna * Native-American mythology: (Hopi) Clowns * Norse mythology: Big Mother (Grendel's mother), The Enchantress (Amora), Grendel, Hela, Karnilla, Loki, Mogul of the Mystic Mountain, Sigyn
* Etins/Giants of Jotunheim: Fafnir II, Fasolt (presumed dead), Grundroth, Hymir, Hyrm, Laufey, Siggroth, Thokk * Fire giants: Surtur
* Frost giants: Hagen, Kartak, Kloroddr, Skurge (The Executioner), Utgard-Loki, Ymir * Mountain giants * Rine giants * Storm giants: Arkin the Weak, Brimer, Ghan, Grondar, Kaggor, Knorda, Nedra, Ogre, Skagg, Skoll, Snotri
* Trolls: Geirrodur
* Russian/Slavic mythology: Baba Yaga (presumed dead), Chernobog * Angels and Demons: * Angels: Afterlife, Emmael, ailah, Vraniel, Zadkiel * Elderspawn (Class I):Damballah, Dragon of the Moon, Ophions, Tartessus, Y'Garon, Yamato-no-Orich * Devils and Earth Demons (Class II):Agathon (presumed dead), Allatou, Asmodeus, Aqquoonkagua, Asmodiar, Bailiff of Madness, Baphomet, Basilisk, Belial, Beliar, Bitterhorn, Blackheart, Catherine, Challenger, D'Kay, Dansker (presumed dead), Dargil, Darklove (Oscuram, presumed dead), Demon Master, Demon of the Blood Jewel, Demon of the Caves, Demon of the Dark, Demon of the Diamonds, Demon of the Sands, Demon of Smoke, Demon Riders (Satan's 40 Horsemen), Diabolique, Diabolique's Mother (presumed dead), Doggerel (presumed dead), Dragonus, Derwyddon's Gargoyle (Son of Pan), Ehrthold, Erlik Khan, Fire Demon, Hrinmeer (The Flame)(presumed dead), Hyppokri, Mephista, Nicholis Eblis, Orleans Cooper, Satan (Marduk Kurios), Rigor Mortis, Spohrrinox (presumed dead) * Demonized Humans: Bat Out of Hell, Belasco, Bloodthirst (presumed dead), Boogyman, Bruno Coasta, Cameron Hodge (?), Copperhead (Lawrence Chesney), Dark Rider, Death Ninja, Demogoblin, Desmond Pitt (Darkoth the Death Demon), Devil's Heart, Exile, Jank Chapman, Legion of Vengeance (Bacillus, Mind's Eye, Strontium-90, Vesper), Lethal Legion (Heinrich Himmler (Zyklon), Josef Stalin (Coldsteel), Lizzie Borden (Axe of Violence), Lucrezia Borgia (Cyana); all presumed dead), Somnambulist * Fallen Angels: Azmodeus, Beelzeboul, The First Fallen, Lucifer, Malachi, Micah (Kazann), Olivier (Olivier Stoker), Pazuzu (Imdugud) * The Four: Karath, Raga, Ellin, Trachos/Miles Gorney (Satan) * Incubi and Succubi: Dream Demons, Satana, Zannarth (presumed dead) * Lilin: Bad Timing, Blackout, Bloodthrist, Creed, Dark Legion, Doc, Fang, Girth (presumed dead), Infinks, Lilith, Meatmarket, Nakota, Outcast, Parasite, Pilgrim, Pixel, Scatter, Short-Circuit, Sister Nil, Skinner, Skitter, Spitfire * Lords of the Splinter Realms:Brutus Klor, Dormammu, The Haemovore Kings of the Outer Dark, Hedron the Faceted, High Seers of Nox, Magik (Amanda Sefton), Malevolence, Mephisto, Molgotha, Muranai, Phemous, Siffror, Skarabrous the Stalker, Surtur, Thog, Umar, Viliven * Fear Lords: D'Spayre, Dweller-in-Darkness, Kkallakku, Lurking Unknown, Nightmare, Nox, Straw Man
* Minions, Familiars, and Servants: Agathon, Army of Archangels, Beelzeboul's Servants (Ghasta, Imps, Neith,Se'irim (presumed dead), Strigae, Three-Armed Demon, Vulkanus), Conqueror Worms, D'Sprytes, December and January, Demon Steeds (Hegal, Malah, Zulum), Dryminextes, The Dykkors, Exiter (presumed dead), Gnit I (presumed dead), Gnit II (presumed dead), The Khats, Mount Avarice, The Nightbeast, Orleans Cooper's Servants (Okraas, Malonch, Cephyr), Rzh'Arr, Saturnine,
* Orffyreus Wheel and the Demon Lords * Realm of Madness: Delusion, Dementia, Demon In Your Head, Dusk, Fetish, Megalomania, Necromancer, Neurotica, Obsession, Paranoia, Phobia, Psychosis, Tabicantra, V'Zarr, Yammuz, Yukthalok
* Six-Fingered Hand: Avarrish, Fashima, Hyppokri, Maya, Puishannt, Unthinnk
* Extra-Dimensional Demons (Class III): Aan Taanu, Abadon, Abysss, Aesklos (presumed dead), Alioth, All-Devourer, Angra-Mainyu, Arachne, Asmodeus (of the Enclave), Asteroth (presumed dead), Battletide, Beast the Jackal's Son, Belil, Culex, The Dark, Dark-Crawler, Demon of the Mask, Denak, Doctor Glitterlight (presumed dead), Dyskor the Purveyor, Ekl'r, Elder Demon (presumed dead), Gart and Rath, Harpy, Raksasa (presumed dead), Termagaira (Termagent and Megaira) * Minions, Familiars, and Servants: Demons of Darak, Demonswarm (presumed dead) * The N'Garai: B'Terak, Kierrok the Damned, Mabdhara, M'Drul, Y'Garon, Y'Bsgloth, Y'Griarth * Octessence: Balthakk, Cyttorak, Farallah, Krakkan, Ikonn, Raggadorr, Watoomb * Old Ones: Agents of Shuma-Gorath (Daggoth, Ebora, Ghaszash Nyirh, N'Gabthoth (presumed dead), Sligguth (presumed dead)) Azotharoth (Azathoth), Great Cthulhu, Hziulquiogmnzhah, Lloigoroth, Nigguraab (Shub Niggurath), Shuma-Gorath, Tsathoggua, Yog-Sothot * Otherplace/Limbo: N'Astirh, S'Ym * Serpent Men:Amintas, Hissarlion, Jeesala and Sekhmet Tharn, Kohattus, Nimatziis, Omeyocantli, Qutzbalaam, Russell Daboia, Ssith, Xiquiripat, Vizir
* Elementals: Shokkoth (presumed dead), Water Elemental (presumed dead) * Supernatural: The Cat (presumed dead), Kaluu, Kulan Gath * Vampires and the Undead:
* Vampires: Alucard Nosferatu, Baron Blood (presumed dead), Bloodscream, Dracula, Father Bordia (presumed dead), Khiron, Nosferatu, Rakses (presumed dead), Rakses' Bodyguard (presumed dead), Varnae, Verdelet
* Aliens and Cosmic Entities: Chaos (of Titan), Demon of the Della Gems (presumed dead), Exo-Mind, Ulluxy'l Kwan Tae Syn (presumed dead) * The Elementals: Hellfire, Hydron, Magnum, Zephyr
* Super-powered Beings/Mutants: Absorbing Man (?), Horde, Seth the Immortal, Yi Yang
* The Externals: Absalom (presumed dead), Apocalypse, Burke (presumed dead), Candra (presumed dead), Cannonball (?), Crule (presumed dead), Gideon (presumed dead), Nicodemus (presumed dead), Saul (presumed dead), Selene
* Altered Mortals (permanent): * Magical: Comte (Count) de Saint Germain * Technological: Master of the World (?)
* Altered Mortals (temporary): * Magical: Mister Jip, The Creators
* Possession of Objects:
* Magical: Juggernaut (Cain Marko) (?), Users of the Darkhold's page for the Chameleon Worms Spell (Donald J. Walsh, The Dwarf) * Pool of Blood:
* The Immortal Nine: Aged Genghis, Al-Tothas (presumed dead), Cagliostro, Fu Manchu, Orphelus, Yellow Claw * Pool of Knowledge: * The New Immortals: Analyzer (Deus Ex Machina), Count Tagar, Juvan, Nobilus, Zon
* Russian/Slavic mythology: Yarillo (Bielbog The White God) * Russian/Slavic mythology: Baba Yaga, Chernobog, Vij, Zaltys the Black Serpent * Angels and Demons: Lyissa's demons * Angels and Demons: Demon Sun, The K'Kylthri * Angels and Demons: Shreck
---- === === === === * Greek/Roman mythology: Asclepius, Harpies (from the Detritus Belt around the Infernal Moon of Bravo 11 Zebra), Prometheus, Zeus * Angels and Demons: Hajor, Melancius (presumed dead), Spring-heeled Jack
* Legendary Beings: Santa Claus * Supernatural:Merlin (High Evolutionary/Matrix Lord) * Vampires and the Undead: Count Dracula (vampire; presumed dead), Marwood (vampire; presumed dead) * Aliens and Cosmic Entities: The Funhouse (?), The Gaijin (presumed dead), Seth (Varley Gabriel), Shayde (?), Timewyrm (Ishtar/Ishtar Hutchings/Qataka)(?) * Caretakers of The Glory (Heart of the Glory) (?) * Esterath the Gatherer (presumed dead) * Kroton (former Cyberman)
* The Cybermen
* The Daemons (?)
* Azal (presumed dead), Bonjaxx, Commander Azai
* The Eternals (?)
* The Guardians of Time:
* Black Guardian (Entropy)
* White Guardian (Structure) * Crystal Guardian (Dream)
* Old Ones: * Fenric (Hastur the Unspeakable/Aboo-Fenrán) * Nestene Consciousness * The Great Intelligence (Yog-Sothoth)
* Time Lords: ("live forever, barring accidents")
* The Doctor/Doctor Who * The Master (presumed dead)
* Rassilon (as High Evolutionary/Matrix Lord)
* Mechanical: K-9, Vesuvius (robot)
* Altered Mortals (permanent): * Possession of Objects: * Technological: Katsura Sato (Cardinal Morningstar; uses nano-drones; presumed dead), Lord Rikushira (uses nano-drones; presumed dead)
* Altered Mortals (temporary): * Time Loops and Warps: Crew of The Flying Dutchman II (Cassandra, Krylic, Leonart, Rolf, Willoughby; all presumed dead) * Limbo: Magog (Malevius)
(see also: BBC Magazines, Tundra Publishing, TV Comic) * Native American mythology: Clown Demons, Iktomi (Ksa), Kokyangwuti (Spider Woman), Sotuknang, Taiowa * Angels and Demons: Darkangel * Vampires and the Undead: Katherine Ainsley-Jones (vampire)
* Altered Mortals (permanent): * Demonic pact: Dr. Johannes Faustus (presumed dead), Immortalis (Mortigan Goth), Marguerite Faustus
---- * Vampires and the Undead: Fire Fang (vampire)
== == == == * Cybertronian mythology: Primus, The Spark (Lasercore), Unicron (?)
* Aliens and Cosmic Entities: The Darkness, Primacron (?) * Mechanical: Optimus Prime (?), Rampage, Starscream
(see also: IDW Publishing) (Note: it could be argued that all Transformers are immortal in an ideal situation--as Skydive once explained, but for the sake of brevity only those whom have a stated longevity are listed.) == == ---- * Vampires and the Undead: Rocco (vampire), Teresa (vampire)
== == ---- * Aliens and Cosmic Entities: Atlan, Super-Intelligences (Bardioc, The Empress of Therm, Estartu, It, Seth-Apophis) * Super-powered Beings: Ernst Ellert (presumed dead/psionic entity), Kallia Nedrun (presumed dead), Ovaron (presumed dead/psionic entity) * Possession of Objects: Users of Cell Activators (Alaska Saedelaere, Dao-lin-h'ay, Homer G. Adams, Icho Tolot, Jen Salik, Michael Rhodan, Mila Vandebar, Myles Kantor, Nadja Vandemar, Nostradamus (Cyno Imago II), Perry Rhodan, Pucky (Mousebeaver), Reginald Bell, Ronald Tekener, Thomas Cardiff (presumed dead))
* Supernatural: Chakan the Forever Man
---- * Angels and Demons: Bhokal (Alop) (angel)
---- * Vampires and the Undead: Rose Black (vampire)
---- == == * Celtic mythology: Cernunnos (Darrian Ashoka, The Horned God, God of Death)
* Earth/Wiccan mythology: Dawn (Aurora, Gaia, Goddess of Birth and Rebirth, Isis, Kali, Mary) * Angels and Demons:Parintachin (imp) * Demons: Hellhound, Six-Tell Amlah, Three-dog Nalfashnee * Genies:
* D'jinii: Anhikiahl * Efreeti:
* Legendary Creatures:
* Brownies
* Elves: Ailwon Sann Fenlach, Cassandra (presumed dead), Cedric Sol Daldringaith, Hyena, Jace San Lanargaith (Blondie), Lirilith, Lusiphur (Luis Amerellis Malache/Benjermin Elf), Lusiphur's mother (presumed dead), Morachi (The Black Sabbath/King of Thieves), Talon (presumed dead), Tenth, Twinkle * The Black Guard * Council of Nine
* Nymphs * Sylphs * Sprites
== == ---- * Vampires and the Undead: Akhkharu, Azharoth, Dr Daniel Karlberg (presumed dead), Jaeger, the Nethermind
---- * Angels and Demons: The Beast (Satan)
* Aliens and Cosmic Entities: Captain Jack Harkness (if the Face of Boe, dies in 5,000,000,053)(?) (see also: BBC Magazines, Marvel UK, TV Comic)
---- * Greek/Roman mythology: Gorgon (Earth species, not Gorgos species; presumed dead)
(see also: BBC Magazines, Marvel UK, Tundra Publishing)
(note: possible immortals also in the shared universe, but appearing outside the comics: Abaddon (presumed dead), Badger (robot), Bok, Borusa, Chinese Gods and Goddesses (Weing-Chiang), The Destroyer, Dratho the Immortal (presumed dead), Eve (robot), Fairies, The Great Vampires (Aukon, Camilla, Zargo; all presumed dead), Greek Gods and Goddesses (Demeter, Persephone, Hecate, Hermes, Hades, Medusa, Poseidon), Haemovores, Haitian Gods and Goddesses, The Jarakabeth, Menti Celesti, Mesopotamian Gods a nd Goddesses (Gilgamesh), Mianik'ha, Morbius (presumed dead), Morgaine, The Museum of the Last Ones Specimens (preserves the last specimen of all extinct species alive but in suspended animation), The Nimon, The Old Ones, Peri, The Players, Proamonians, Pwccm, various Transcendental Beings, The Vurosis)
---- * Greek/Roman mythology: Andromeda * Irish/Celtic mythology: Lugh
* Supernatural: Master Darque (?), Zero (Shadowman)
* Vampires and the Undead: Nettie
* Super-powered Beings: Aram Anni-Pada (The Other/Armstrong), Gilad Anni-Padda (The Eternal Warrior/Fist and Steel/Gilad Abrams), Ivar Anni-Panda (Ivar the Timewalker) * Altered Mortals (temporary): Aric of Dacia (when joined with the X-O Manowar armor) (?)
---- * Chousin mythology: Tokimi-kami-sama, Tsunami-kami-sama, Washu-kami-sama
---- * Judeo-Christian mythology: Lilith * Angels and Demins: Malkuth (angel), Metatron (angel)
* Vampires and the Undead: Madek (vampire), Magdalene (vampire), Vampirella (vampire)
Empire magazine's 50 Greatest Comic Book Characters list includes iconic figures like Spider-Man, Batman, Superman, and Captain America. Other characters such as Wonder Woman, Wolverine, The Joker, and Iron Man also made the prestigious ranking.
You can find a comprehensive list of superheroes and villains on websites like Marvel or DC Comics, which feature profiles, histories, and powers of various characters. Additionally, comic book databases like Comic Vine or IMDb have extensive catalogs of comic book characters.
Try the Web Comic List at the related link below .
You can find a list of characters from the book "Right Behind You" in the book's table of contents, at the beginning of the book, or on websites like Goodreads or Wikipedia that provide summaries and character lists for popular books.
The loserlist was destroyed and Danny had to work in the comic store for 3 months
heres a list of characters & who they are
Some of the main characters in the comic strip Dilbert are Dilbert (the protagonist), Dogbert (Dilbert's pet dog), Wally (Dilbert's colleague), Alice (another colleague), and Boss (Dilbert's incompetent supervisor).
Is there a list of comics that have performed on BET/comic view
A comprehensive list of characters from the Peanuts gang can be found on the official Peanuts website or in books and encyclopedias dedicated to the comic strip series created by Charles Schulz. Additionally, character name lists can be found on fan websites and in various merchandise related to the Peanuts franchise.
The list in the book "The List" was written by a mysterious character known as the Judge. The Judge compiles a list of people in a small town based on a set of ever-changing rules, leading to suspense and intrigue as the characters on the list try to uncover the reason behind its creation.
Yes , go to or refer to the related links below .
The value of a 1971 Archie comic book can vary depending on its condition, rarity, and demand among collectors. It is recommended to check online marketplaces, comic book price guides, or consult with a professional appraiser to get an accurate assessment of its value.