definitely not!
They pilgrims learned to fertilize the soil with fish remains from Squanto. He helped establish relations with the Wampanoag Indians. Conditions in the colony began to improve with Swuanto.
the pilgrims were failing to get enough food when they came to America... the natives helped them by showing them corn and how to raise crops in the rocky New England soil... the pilgrims were also not used to the MA weather and had no idea what to do,.. so they usually sat around idly.
The natives gave all their knowledge about surviving in new England to the pilgrims and in return the pilgrims killed them off.
they didnt have school
Yes they did. The Puritans didnt believe in catholics and didnt want to yet the pilgrims did,
they didnt like himm
The Indians didnt quite like the pilgrims for barging in on their homeland. But after the Indians saw the pilgrims plight they helped them by teaching them how to make things. In gratitude the Pilgrims invited the Indians for a 3 day feast aka Thanksgiving.
they thought that it was not heathly.
the pilgrims and the nativa American tribe got along well bacause they started trading and the tribe didnt get in the way of the pilgrims.
coz this and this happend and it led to this which this was like feck this.
they got exacuted
yea but didnt nothin happend
Why would the American natives attack the Pilgrims?? Most tribes were friendly toward others.
well she did,and she didnt because there was many things going on so that's what happend