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yeast is a type of fungi so when its mixed in with the ingredients (flour water etc.) and baked the heat makes the bacteria multiply and so on (importaint note:sugar and water are key ingredients to help the yeast multiply)

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12y ago

They eat the oxygen and Fart to make it rise.

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Q: How does yeast grow to make the bread rise?
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How do yeast cells make the bread rise?

yes yeast cells makes bread rise :)

How is yeast made to use bread?

It help it rise they use yeast to make bread rise

Why do cooks put yeast in bread?

Yeast is necessary to make bread rise.

Why is yeast used in bread?

Yeast makes the bread rise. This happens due to alcoholic fermentation. This is so that the yeast can reproduce. :)

Does yeast make bread rise?


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What is used in bread to make it rise?


What is the ingrediant in bread that makes it rise?

It's the yeast fermenting and respiring which produces carbon dioxide, causing the bread to rise

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if there is no yeast in the bread the bread will not rise

What ingrediant in bread makes it rise?

Yeast makes bread rise.

What does yeast do in bread dough?

Baking yeast makes food rise and gives it a fluffy taste and feel to your food.

What happens to the yeast when you make bread?

It eats the bread, it farts, and it makes the bread rise