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In fact no justification. It's a silly issue. Employees get demotivated.

However, some employees spend a significant office time browsing unnecessary sites which are not directly or indirectly related to his job, profession, assignment Some times it's harmful as well since office servers used by many employees are vulnerable to virus attack.

Here are some statistics for 2009 related to internet usage at work which should answer this question:

- Employees are checking personal e-mail up to 5 times per day during working hours

- 24% of employees spend more than one hour on social networks during working time

- Facebook is the most popular social network and 90% of the employees are logging periodically into their accounts from work

- In over 90% of cases, time for lunch break is exceeded by employees

- The average time spend by an employee on chat is 30 minutes per day

- Illegal downloads at work increased by 55%

- Exiting workers taking confidential data with them

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Q: What is the justification for monitoring employee internet use?
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What are some examples of employee internet monitoring software?

Since computers provide convenience and bring hidden dangers, the company implemented the employee computer monitoring is necessary. With the monitoring software, it will standardize the work habits of employees to improve the work efficiency. You can use iMonitor computer monitoring software. This is the features for your reference: www .imonitorsoft .com/eam-pro-feature-sceenshots.html

How do you block Internet?

I recommend you to use iMonitorsoft. There is blacklist and white list, it support almost computer activity monitoring, very useful tools

What is internet monitoring software?

It's the computer manager application, use to monitor the computer user internet activity history, some company use it to stop their employee surfing, watch Movie, Play game during the work time. Our computer use iMonitor EAM to block some non-work website. It's very useful tools. imonitorsoft

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we use WFilter, WFilter is Internet filtering and monitoring software.functions:1.Monitor and archive all internet activities2.Filter internet content and block internet access3.Real-time internet connection monitoring and alert

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our company use WFilter to monitor and filter the internet.basic function:1.Monitor and archive all internet activities2.Filter internet content and block internet access3.Real-time internet connection monitoring and alert

What services are included in network monitoring solutions?

Internet connection checking, monitoring, Email checking, and OWA checking. They're all included in a network monitoring solution, and without them, you probably should not use that solution.

How does internet monitoring software work?

it depends on your use case. What's your main purpose? We use iMonitor EAM to monitor all the computers in my company. it support Screenshot record, Visited Websites, Live Remote Desktop (multiple remote desktops). With this tools, we will know what are the employee doing? Are they doing the paid works or just use the company computer to surfing, it help us. you can more details about this tools at imonitorsoft.

What are employers doing to monitor employees' use of internet?

Employers use varied methods of monitoring their staff use of the internet... this can be something as simple as reading the internet history (of pages visited) - or something more sophisticated (like using a key-logger).

What involves the use of computers to observe record and review an employee's use of a computer including communications such as email messages keyboarding activity and websites visited?

computer monitoring software. you can use iMonitor EAM computer monitoring software do it. iMonitor EAM support to track all user computer and internet activities like keystrokes, website visited, time and attendance tracking, screenshots, live desktop, keyword alert, block function, file management & documents encryption. And it is local based software, all monitored logs will store on your local EAM server PC, it will protect your data security, you can also check the logs in future.

How do you use the word justification in a sentence?

His justification for his actions didn't impress me.

How might the widespread monitoring of internet users personal details affect these users?

The people monitoring internet users gain information that they can use against those users in legal cases. It will also make you easier to track and research if your details are monitored, which can be used for bad.

How monitoring 5 or 6 computer based server based networking?

You have several solutions: 1. Setup a mirroring port in your switch, and connect the internet monitoring software computer to the mirroring port. For internet monitoring software, I would recommend "WFilter enterprise". 2. Setup a proxy server. And do monitoring in the proxy server. (eg: Squid web proxy)