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Physical Layer, SONET is the other name used for it

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Q: Where does SDH fit into the OSI model and what protocol does it use to transmit frames?
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Why Osi model is a model not a protocol?

because osi is open system interconnection that used to interact with open system

What layer of osi model is responsible for creating frames?

The Open Systems Interconnect or OSI model has seven layers. The layer that is responsible for creating frames is the Data Link layer.

Which osi model layer generates and detects voltage so as transmit and receive signals carrying data?

The physical layer of the OSI model is responsible for encoding frames in to the electronic/RF/optical signals of the physical medium and for reading the media and translating back in to usable frames.

What is the purpose of layer isolation in the OSI model?

ports protocol

Bits are packaged into frames at which layer of the OSI model?

Data link layer

OSI is a protocol model standardised by the?

International Standards Organization(ISO)

Where does Ethernet protocol align in the osi model?

Ethernet is a data link layer protocol - layer 2

What layer of OSI model is FTP on?

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is an application layer, or Layer 7, protocol.

A non routable protocol does not operate in which layer of the OSI model?

Network Layer

What layer 2 Transmission Control Protocol?

TCP, the Transmission Control Protocol, is a layer-4 protocol (in the 7-layer OSI model).

What is new standard protocol?

Anything that is described in the OSI model is a standardized protocol, including any new ones such as IPv6.

TCP and UDP reside at which layer of the OSI model?

UDP or User Datagram Protocol works on the Transport Layer (layer 4) in the OSI model.