Question: Does the iPad run on WiFi or do you need a contract? Answer: It is your choice, you can choose a Apple iPad WiFi + 3G or a normal Appe iPad WiFi. If you get the one without the 3G you can run it on WiFi only and not pay a monthly contract fee, the only thing you will pay for is the internet service.
WiFi is the wireless technology commonly use4d for find icon of WiFi on your desktop,by clicking on it you can run the internet without any modem in that particular area.
I wifi modem is a modem that connects to you internet service provide (usually cable could be fiber or DSL) which also and has wifi capabilities. If you phrased the question properly this is both a modem and router in one unit. You can connect multiple PCs to wifi routers/modem. You can also have setups of wired computers and wireless pcs all sharing a router, provided it has enough ports. When you say homeline I am a bit confused, does this mean multiple pcs or multiple inputs from ISP into router. I have never seen a modem that has multiple cable/telephone inputs. I would think the benefit you are looking for here would be to increase your bandwidth. If you need more bandwith you need to contact your ISP and change to a different package. If you just want to run multiple pcs using one modem/wifi router, your good to go. If you run into setup problems (ideally its Plug and Play) call your ISP and they will walk you through it.
No babyOne can download PocketCloud app on your ipad, on the desktop computer having tally, download Pocketcloud companion. This will allow remote desktop access to ipad, provided ipad and Desktop are in wifi zone.This way the ipad will now have full control of your desktop from anywhere in the world and you can run all the desktop functions from your ipad
Wifi needs a minimum speed of at least 256 kbps. If you're kbps rate is higher than that you should be able to transmit a signal.
There is a monthly charge for a internet account which gives you WiFi access. There is also a charge for a 3G or 4G LTE account if your WiFi supports this and you want to connect without WiFi.
The iPad functions the way the user wants to when in proper working order. It can run applications, browse the internet, and even be used to watch YouTube and Netflix.
wifi is wireless internet. so you dont need to run a ethernet cable to your device to have internet if it is wifi ready.
The different options for the iPad is that you have iPad that has slow access and fast access. The 3G IPad is one of those IPads that isn't going to give you much access to do anything on the internet and it's going to run extremely slow in wifi hot spots. The wifi pad with more memory would give you a lot of access to download and do much more real quickly.
It dosent need wifi, it can run without it
My experience with this has been that they don't strengthen each other, but you can see which is better. Pick the best speed, and run with that.