The word used for the action of bread rising is proof; rising bread is proofing. the climate controlled box you put yeast dough in to rise is called a proofer.
Proofing and fermentation are the terms that refer to dough's rising process.
When yeast dough rises, the process is called rising or leavening. The first phase of rising, when yeast is dissolved in warm water and sugar until it foams, is called proofing.
It's literal. Dough rises when heated.
It has to be room temperature for the dough to rise.
It's literal. Dough rises when heated.
Usually cover the dough in a pan with a damp towel. The pan should be deep enough so that as the dough rises it will not stick to the towel.
The yeast cells in bread dough ferment sugars and produce gas (carbon dioxide). This makes the dough rise.
Bulk fermentation is a stage in the bread-making process where the dough ferments as a whole before shaping and proofing. The duration of bulk fermentation typically ranges from 1 to 4 hours, depending on factors like recipe, temperature, and desired flavor development in the dough.
Challah rises because yeast is added to the dough.
It IS chemical, but it's not a heat reaction. It's respiration. Yeast is a living organism, which consumes sugar and excretes CO2 and alcohol. - - - - - chemical, because its reacting with heat & that always means chemical. it just includes a physical change..
A chemical change