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Yes and if this is all that you are drinking and not eating it will make you dizzy.

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Q: Can dizziness be caused by diet sodas?
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Do diet sodas have calories?

Most diet sodas have either one or zero calories, but some have a few.

Are diet sodas bad for diabetes?

no diet coke

Do regular sodas have more fats than diet sodas?

Sodas do not contain any fat to begin with. The difference between regular sodas and diet sodas is the sweeteners used, because the artificial sweeteners used in diet sodas lower the calorie count of the drink. However, many of those artificial sweeteners have adverse effects, and are often thought to be carcinogens (cancer-causing agents)

Do the Ingredients in diet sodas hinder the bones in anyway?

It would only do it if it was regular sodas

What is the lowest-calorie soda?

Diet sodas.

Are diet sodas ok to drink if you are on a diet If no why not?

A lot of people claim that drinking diet sodas give you the craving for real sodas but this is not true in my opinion. I've dieted in the past and really, really crave for a coke and want to give in then just go for the diet one because it isn't loaded with sugars. The only downside of these diet sodas are the very high amounts chemicals in it. But if you're on a diet and you had been given the choice between a diet coke or a regular coke then go for the diet coke. Remember; Water > diet > regular

Why does coke have more fizz than diet Pepsi?

diet sodas have less carbonation than regular sodas. hope this was helpful

Are diet sodas better for your teeth than regular soda?

No, in fact, I don't think either sodas or nay kind of sodas can help teeth.

What is the ingredient used in diet sodas that cause cancer?


Does caffeine effect carbonation in sodas?

Depends on which soda you drink but mostly all sodas have caffeine in them. Ex) • Diet/Cola • Diet/Pepsi • Creme Soda • Dr. Pepper • Ect..

What is dizziness and belly pain a symotom of?

Dizziness and belly pain can be caused by dehydration and anxiety.

What are facts about dizziness caused by overheating?

Dizziness from overheating is usually caused by the dilation of blood vessels in the brain. It could be the beginning of a heat injury.