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Try a low carb diet & plenty of exercise. Cut out white bread, rice, potatoes, starches, junk food, processed food, sugar, ect... Try to eat more veggies, organic foods, fruit, whole grain foods and plenty of water. Normal calorie intake is between 2500-3000 calories a day... if your dieting I'd cut your calories down to 1500-2000 per day.

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15y ago
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14y ago

As far as calories are concerned, probably around 1000. That might seem drastic but if you just cut and substitute things in your diet it will be pretty easy.

Start with breakfast: just eat a couple of boiled egg whites (no yolk) and an apple or honeydew melon.

For lunch and dinner: Give up meat. Eat fish and tofu, but not any meat. Dropping non-aquatic meat from your diet can get you away from eating "bad" foods, such as meats that have been fried, smothered in sauces, or contain high amounts of fat. Also, don't eat any empty carbs. Don't eat potatoes or white bread or white rice. Only small amounts of whole grains.

Sweets: Chew a lot of gum and drink lots of zero-calorie powder drinks. Also drop sugar from your diet if you can. I suggest Splenda. If you MUST have candy, get sugar-free Red Vines or sugar free cough-drops or lollipops.

Good luck with the diet. Also make sure you exercise. If you only consume 1000 calories a day and work out everyday, burning at least 1000, the pounds will go fast.

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13y ago

There is no specific number of calories you should eat. As long as the number of calories in your diet is less than the number of calories that you burn by your various exertions of the day, you will lose weight. As a broad guideline, it is a good idea to eat enough that you do not feel yourself to be in great distress from imminent starvation, otherwise the pressure to give up the diet will sooner or later become too great to resist. That leads to what is known as yo-yo dieting. You go down and you go up again. Find a healthful, restrained diet that you can live with, rather than going to extremes of self-denial.

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14y ago

That is impossible. You can't deprive yourself of enough calories to lose weight that fast.

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