


Splenda is a brand of sucrolase based artificial sweetener. Splenda gained popularity partially due to its ability to withstand heat. Because of this, it is suitable in baking recipes.

141 Questions

Does splenda contain proteins?

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No, Splenda does not contain any proteins. It is a zero-calorie artificial sweetener made from sucralose, which is derived from sugar.

Is splenda an ionic or covalent compound?

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Splenda is a covalent compound because it is made up of non-metallic elements (carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen) bonded together by sharing electrons in covalent bonds.

How do you make sugar free strawberry freezer jam with splenda?

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No-Cook Freezer Fruit Jam


Fruit - ripe, with no blemishes
Pectin - to thicken the jam, at most grocery stores.
Sugar - to sweeten and help the jam set up
Jars - use jars made for canning, they do well in the freezer


  • Wash, hull, trim and stem the fruit.
  • In a large mixing bowl, crush the fruit with a potato masher.
  • Combine the sugar and pectin in another bowl; stir to blend well.
  • Add the sugar-pectin mixture to the fruit.
  • Stir fruit mixture for three minutes.
  • Pour fruit mixture into jars; leave a half-inch of headspace at the top.
  • Screw on the lids and rings, and wipe off any drips.
  • Let stand for 30 minutes, or until thickened.
  • After 30 minutes, freeze or refrigerate immediately.

Is Splenda good for your health?

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Asked by Wiki User

YES IT IS! first of all, your body doesn't know how to process false sugars, so it turns it into bad fat. where as real sugar, or brown sugar, which is completely natural, your body processes it in a natural turning it into energy. your body NEEDS some fat and some sugar. Sugar substitutes do nothing but poison your body, making it harder for your liver to process, and in turn, turning it into BAD FAT. same with diet colas, your body cant make heads or tails of processed foods. If you have to have the sugar in your coffee, a soda, or even put butter on your toast...USE THE REAL THING! all in moderation. you'll be surprised at the results you'll get. if you are trying to lose a few pounds, STOP EATING PROCESSED FOODS!

How many carbs are in a packet of splenda?

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Asked by Wiki User

10 - 20 calories per packet There are 3.87 kcal per gram of sugar, so the answer depends on the size of the sugar packet, which is apparently not standard. Packets tend to vary from 2-6 grams. According to the USDA website, they list 2.8g packet = 11 kcal

Which would yield 16 kcal/ 4.2g teaspoon, and ~23 kcal/6g packet. Examples:

"Sugar in the raw" brand has 5g = ~19 kcal Domino brand packets have 4g = ~15 kcal

Who invented Splenda?

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James M. Schlatter

How many carbohydrates are in Splenda?

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One tbsp of Splenda has 1g of carbs.

How would Splenda affect respiration?

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The chemical formula of Sucralose, which is found in Splenda and Equal, is C12H19Cl3O8. It has little to no effect on respiration as it is closely related to sugar and does not contain Aspartame.

Is splenda bad for the body?

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After many hours of research on both sides of the fence I've come to conclude that Splenda is no more harmful to your body than any other food product on the market that has been chemically, genetically, or metabolically altered. (90% of what we consume without question.)

The only way that this product might be of overwhelming importance is to someone that absolutely refuses to ingest any food product that is not 100% natural.

It is true that three of the hydroxyl groups and the sugar molecules have been replaced by three chlorine atoms, and seems to be the primary basis for it's demise.

Our body, however actually needs chlorine a.k.a. chloride, a.k.a. sodium chloride, a.k.a. salt, in maintaining water balance, and is an essential component of gastric juice.

However it should also be noted that our chlorine intake should not be excessive. (5100 milligrams a day for an average adult.) No more so then our daily intake of sugars, carbs, calorie's, starches, ect, ect... "Everything in moderation" (if your health allows it.) Too much of anything can be hazardous to your health, likewise not enough of the right things can be hazardous to your health.

For the most part Splenda is largely unrecognized by the body. By most accounts only some 15% is absorbed by the body.

The claims of all the adverse affects of Splenda appear to be based on the adverse effects relating to the abundance of chlorine in the body and not Splenda itself, or the fact that it is just plainly "A man made" or "Altered" substance. Additionally all claims against Splenda are very vague and general using terms like "appears to be" or "thought to have been" or "categorized with other" unhealthy food products.

You can find something unhealthy with ANY food product known to man no matter how significant or insignificant it may be, because of the individual effects our bodies have on different foods.

My advise is to use research from all sides, balance and wisdom and see if it's right for you.

Is there a best before date for splenda?

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It seems that Splenda should last for at least two years when held at room temperature. See Related Links.

I have some packets that are older than that and they seem just fine.

How many cups of splenda equal a cup of sugar?

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1 cup of Splenda is equal to 24 grams. The bag lists 1 tsp=.5 g.

What are side effects of Splenda?

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cancer The long term affects of using substitue sugar can cause cancer.Answer Generally, sugar substitutes have been shown to be safe in moderation. Whether they actually promote weight loss is questionable- one study followed subjects who either switched to diet soda or remained drinking the caloric version. After a year, no difference was observed in the subject's weights, despite the fact that the diet soda group would have been consuming fewer calories. The author's suggested that subjects compensated and would choose high fat foods and other high calorie foods to compensate for the lack of calories in the soda. So yes, if you were to replace all sugar with splenda in your diet, eat the same foods and maintain the same level of activity, you would lose calories. But chances are you'd end up eating more elsewhere and not see any change.

How many splenda packets equal one cup?

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Roughly 48 packets to equal one U.S. Measuring cup

Is splenda bad when dieting?

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No. Sucralose (Splenda) has no nutritional value.

Does splenda count as sugar when counting daily sugar intake?

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Splenda is an artificial sweetener and contains no calories so it is lower in calories than sugar. It tastes slightly different than sugar but better than SweetnLow and Equal. i would recommend it in iced tea or fresh squeeze lemonade. It is also great for baking. Splenda is an artificial sweetener and contains no calories so it is lower in calories than sugar. It tastes slightly different than sugar but better than SweetnLow and Equal. i would recommend it in iced tea or fresh squeeze lemonade. It is also great for baking.

Is splenda real sugar?

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No Splenda is not a reducing sugar.