124 miles
almost three hours
about 150 miles
The Keys are 120 miles long. Sanibel Island to Key West is 311 miles.
The distance between Key West in Florida to Sanibel Island in Florida is 132 miles. You would travel in a north west direction to get there.
about 43 miles
The driving distance from Orlando to Sanibel Island is approximately 220 miles, which would take around 3.5-4 hours by car, depending on traffic and route taken.
The road distance between the places is 895 miles. This is the distance when the shortest route is chosen. Also it should be noted that various traffic rules like 'one ways' and 'no entries' have Not been considered when calculating this distance.
The closest town to midway between Sanibel Island, Florida and Hilton Head Island, South Carolina is Citra, Florida. The closest large town is Gainesville, Florida but it's a little way off the shortest route.
The distance between the starting point and the destination is 231mi, (371.7 km), and will take approximately 4 hours of driving time.
Sanibel Island, located off the coast of Florida in the Gulf of Mexico, is not directly in the path of a potential Japanese tsunami due to the great distance between the two locations. The Gulf of Mexico is not typically affected by tsunamis originating in the Pacific Ocean.