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Q: A boron atom has two electrons in the first energy level and three in the second energy level Compare the relative energies of the electrons in these two energy levels.?
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How can the number of electrons in the outer main energy level of phosphorous be determined using the successive ionization energies?

As each electron is removed, the successive ionization energy values increase. However, the ionization energy increases a lot when the sixth electron is removed. This suggests that the sixth electron is removed from a shell which is closer to the nucleus.

Why is it easier to remove an electron from a sodium atom than from a magnesium atom?

Phosphorus has a higher energy level so it pulls harder on its electrons.

Why the first ionization energy for sodium is much smaller than the second ionization energy for sodium?

Ionization energy is referred to the amount of energy required to remove an electron from it's nucleus.The first ionization energy refers to the valence electron (the electron on the outer most shell)Blatantly, we can say that is requires less energy to remove valence electrons, rather than electrons in other orbitals, because it is farther away from the proton and therefore take less energy to remove that electron (ionization energy).The large discrepancy between the first and second ionization energies can be accounted for, by some of these factors:- such as shielding: basically the inner most electrons block some of the attractive forces from the nucleus (protons) and the valence electrons therefore have the most electrons blocking for them, because they are "in front" of all of the other electrons, on the outer most shell. Having this energy blocked means they are more free to move about.-Inverse square relationship between the first and Nth (n) shell: I won't write the entire equation but basically:the energy to be removed from the first shell is / by n^2, where n is the shell where the electron is removed from.Hence for the first (n=1) shellIE from 1st/ 1^2 = IE/1 = IE , this means that the energy to be removed from the first shell relative to itself is = which is true. This step is important.However, if we use the second shell (n=2), this is the second ionization energy.IE/2^2 = IE/4 , this means 4Xtimes LESS energy is needed to remove an electron from the second shell compared to the firstand then, if we use the third shell (n=3), which is the valence electron , also the FIRST Ionization energy.IE/3^2 = IE/9 , this means 9Xtimes LESS energy is needed to remove an electron from the third shell compared to the first.Conclusion: if we compare the first and second ionization energies, they are radically different from one another and there's a large discrepancy between the values due to the inverse square relationship between IE from the first energy level to the Nth level.

What is the first ionization energy of sulfur?

Firstly, you have to be familiar with the electron orbitals and how they fill. If you consider sulfur, you will notice that there are two electrons in its px orbital but only one in each of its py and pz orbitals. The two electrons in the px orbital are at different energies( one is higher than the other) and thus tend to repel each other. This repulsion causes the electrons to lose energy due to the fact that they are moving away from the nucleus and thus their attraction is lower. Therefore, the ionization energy decreases.

How many electrons does calcium have and where are they located at?

The atomic number of calcium is 20 as it has 20 protons and 20 electrons, they are located outside the Nucleus in the orbits known as energy levels, and are commonly known as shells of the atom. in the first energy level there are 2 electrons, in the second energy level there are 8 electron, in the third energy level there are 8 electrons, and in the fourth energy level there are 2 electrons.

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The term for an atom whose electrons have the lowest possible energies is "ground state." In this state, electrons are in their lowest energy levels or orbitals, closest to the nucleus. Excited states refer to when electrons are in higher energy levels, further away from the nucleus.

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