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The air we breath is mostly (72%) nitrogen, however if we breath much higher concentrations of nitrogen then we starve our body of the oxygen we need and will asphyxiate, death will follow within a few minutes without oxygen.

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Q: Can you die from breathing nitrogen?
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If you breathe in pure nitrogen what will happen?

Nitrogen is an inert gas. over 70% of the air you are breathing right now is nitrogen, so nothing. Breathing pure nitrogen would be bad only because theres no oxygen in it. breathing pure nitrogen you would lose conciousness from lack of oxygen within seconds and eventually die, because your organism has no use for it and it's same as breathing nothing and dying because of lack of oxygen.

How do we get nitrogen with out breathing it in?

We get nitrogen in a usable form from our food.

Is nitrogen necessary for breathing?

Nitrogen is an inert gas and is not necessary for breathing. Oxygen on the other hand is quite necessary. Without a sufficient partial pressure of oxygen in your breathing mix, you will become unconscious and if it is low enough, you can even die. For certain types of dives, nitrogen is reduced and sometimes completely removed from the breathing mix due to its narcotic effects at higher partial pressures. Dives have been done with helium and even hydrogen as substitutes for the nitrogen in the breathing mix due to their reduced narcotic effects at higher partial pressures. Not all insert gases work well though. Some are even more narcotic than nitrogen (e.g. argon, xenon).

Why human not die breathing mostly nitrogen in atmosphere?

The air we all breath is over 70% nitrogen and although we do not need this it is not toxic to us, most of the rest of the air we breath is the oxygen we need to remain alive.

What process supplies animals and fungi with nitrogen?


How is nitrogen poisonous to humans?

Breathing 100% of it... No oxygen...

Why nitrogen is harmful?

it can displace oxygen which stops you breathing

Is breathing nitrogen painful?

No. You breathe nitrogen with every breath you take. It is 78% of Earth's atmosphere.

How does nitrogen go in your body?

Okay nitrogen is enter though the system of an animal cell

How do humans add nitrogen to the atmosphere?

by breathing co2 back into the air. Therfore magically making it nitrogen.

What are nitrogen and oxygen used for?

Well, breathing, for one XP

Why do we need nitrogen i the atmosphere?

Without nitrogen in the atmosphere, we would be breathing in nearly pure oxygen, which would be fatal.