

Do electrons slow down

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Even light can be made to slow down by making it go through a certain (dense?) mediums. So, yes.

-edit : Light doesn't slow down, the speed of light is a constant. What is observed is the increase in time for absorption and re-emittance of the photon (light) which causes the apparent slow down. As for electrons, yes I believe they can be slowed down with interactions.


If the question deals with electrons in orbit around an atom, then the answer is NO. Not by themselves.

Energy is in fact lost in chunks, called quanta. In the macroscopic world, however, these chunks are so small that when energy appears to be lost or gained continuously when in fact it is changing in immeasurably small increments. So, a satellite in orbit loses quanta and gradually slows down.

At the atomic level, however, energy behaves very differently. Individual quanta are significant at this scale. An electron cannot keep continually slowing down, if it loses even one quanta it is a relatively huge change. So, at that scale the electrons do not slow down autonomously. However, they can be slowed down by interactions

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