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Add hydrochloric acid to silver nitrate and stir well to ensure it is all reacted. Silver chloride will precipitate out and is fairly insoluble. Filter the solution and collect the filtrate on the filter paper. Rinse a few times with water to wash off the excess acid. Dry the filtrate in the oven. The result is pure silver chloride. Note this is sensitive to UV light, so this is best done in a dark room under a red lamp.

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Q: How could you make a pure sample of solid silver chloride starting with silver nitrate solution?
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What is the principle of chloride test?

The li mit t est for chloride is mainly used to control chloride impurity in the pharmaceutical material, depends upon the precipitation of chloride with silver nitrate in presence of nitric acid and comparison of precipitation produced in the sample with that of standard solution containing a known amount of chloride ion.

How would you know a solution contained chloride ions?

If the solution that may contain chloride ions is aqueous, adding a solution of silver nitrate will cause a precipitate of silver chloride. (However, there are many other insoluble silver salts, so that this test is not specific to chloride.)

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In analytical chemistry, argentometry is a type of titration involving the silver(I) ion. Typically, it is used to determine the amount of chloride present in a sample. The sample solution is titrated against a solution of silver nitrate of known concentration. Chloride ions react with silver(I) ions to give the insoluble silver chloride:Cl− (aq) + Ag+ (aq) → AgCl (s) (Ksp = 1.70 × 10−10)

Why is back titration required in the volhard method?

This method uses a back titration with potassium thiocyanate to determine the concentration of chloride ions in a solution.Before the titration an excess volume of a standardized silver nitrate solution is added to the solution containing chloride ions, forming a precipitate of silver chloride (AgCl). The term 'excess' is used as the moles of silver nitrate added are known to exceed the moles of sodium chloride present in the sample so that all the chloride ions present will react.Ag+ + Cl- AgCl(s) (Ksp = 1.70 × 10−10)Excess WhiteExcess of Ag+ is back titrated with SCN-.

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1. Find the molar mass of scandium chloride (ScCl3) 2. Then divide the atomic mass of scandium by the molar mass of scandium chloride. 3. Multiply by 100 to get the percentage. ** Do the same thing for chloride and dont forget to multiply the molar mass of chloride by 3

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Dissolving ammonium nitrate in water is an endothermic process A sample of ammonium nitrate is placed in a beaker of water and immediately begins to dissolve What exactly occurs during this process?

the temperature of the solution decreases.

What are the number of sulfur atoms in a sample of 21.6 g of mercury1 nitrate?

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Why is blank titration necessary in the mohr method?

AS silver ions first react with Cloride ions in the sample(equivalence point) and when all the chloride ions are consumed we have to add more silver nitrate solution to increase its concentration to a level where it can precipitate chromate ions as silver chromate precipites (reddish brown ppts) this is the end point . so remove this error of equivalence point detection we take the same volume of indicator (chromate solution) in a flask labelled blank and add water into this flask (the same volume as that of sample solution) and then titrate this blank labelled flask with standard silver nitrate solution and note the volume of titrant consumed (blank volume),then calculations for real equivalence point can be made as: equivalence point=(end point)-(blank volume)