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What climate? -_-

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Q: How does altitude distance from the ocean amount of sunlight distance from the equator and ocean currents affect this climate?
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What is influenced by climate latitude altitude and currents?


What are climate control?

1. Latitude 2. Altitude 3.Prevailing Winds 4.Topography 5.Distance from water 6.Nearby ocean currents

What are four factors that affect temperature?

Four factors that determine the climate of an area are distance from the sea, ocean currents, direction of prevailing winds, and the relief of the area. The proximity to the equator also plays a role in the climate of an area.

What are the climatic controls?

There are six major controls of the climate of any place are: LATITUDE ,ALTITUDE, PRESSURE AND WIND SYSTEM ,DISTANCE FROM THE SEA (continentality), ocean currents and relief features.

Which of the following is not a climate control latitude altitude distance from oceans distance from mountains?

distance from mountains

What two things affect climate?

Altitude and distance from bodies of water.

What factor affects climate?

Factors effecting climate are: -latitude from the equator -distance from the ocean/sea/any other hydrological feature -surrounding natural features such as mountains or forests that can alter precipitation and weather - ocean currents -human activity such as pollution or 'urban jungles' where a regions climate can be artificially warmed up by the effects of concrete and decreased water runoff causeing increased precipitation

How does altitude relate to climate?

The higher the altitude the colder the climate, the warmer the climate the lower the altitude.

What Six elements that control climate?

The six elements that control climate are: Altitude The relationship between continents and oceans Pressure belts Wind belts Ocean currents and Topography

What factors do scientists consider as they classify climates?

The factors are:-1. Distance from the sea2. Ocean currents3. Direction of prevailing winds4. Relief5. Proximity to the equator6. The El Nino phenomenon7. Recently it has accepted that Human activity is also affecting climate.8. Locationor...1. Latitude - Distance north or south of equator2. Altitude - Distance above or below sea level3. Global Winds - What winds are blowing/where they're coming from/warm or cold4. Ocean currents - What currents are coming in/where from5. Topography - Distance from mountains (how close they are)6. Distance From Water - How close the area is to and ocean or lake (any body of water)These are the main most important 6.latitude, prevailing winds, mountains, large bodies of water, and ocean currents.Precipitation, latitude, trapping of heat, winds and ocean currents, shape and elevations of land masses. (Prentice Hall Biology)A:latitude ocean currentswindelevationreliefnear waterA:The factors that determine climate are latitude, distance from water, elevation, and ocean currents A:it is sun, location, water, wind, and mountains.LattitudeThe factors that determine climate are temperature, precipitation, altitude, location, latitude, tilt of the axis, surface currents, winds, and elevation.The latitude, the transportation of heat by winds and ocean currentsLatitude, Altitude, Mountain Barriers, Ocean Currents, Land-Water Relationship, and Prevailing Winds.five factors that determine climate is elevation, latitude, weather, ,and biome

Is the climate of a town 2 miles above see level cool or warm?

It would drastically change depending on location. Climate isn't only affected by altitude; there's also water currents and cnvection currents to think about, and also where it is on the planet. However, theoretically we can assume in this case, only given the altitude, that it is relatively cold, or has extremes of temperatures.

What are four factors that affected the climate of a region?

- Latitude - Ocean Currents - Altitude - Bodies of Water - Mountain Barriers