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The number of hydrogen atoms inceases by 2. The formula for an alkane is always C(n)H(2n+2), So the number of hydrogen atoms is always 2 more than the double of carbon atoms. *^^*

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Q: How does the formula of an alkene change when you add an extra carbon atom?
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How is climate change a problem for the carbon cycle?

Global warming means there is extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This is putting an extra strain on the carbon cycle, which is unable to remove all the extra carbon dioxide.

What has been the major cause of the change in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere?

The major cause of the change in levels is the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). This releases extra carbon dioxide that has been hidden underground for millions of years, and it is this extra CO2 that is causing global warming.

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What are the change in atmosphere that relate to the climate change?

It is the increase in the levels of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide and methane that are causing more heat to be retained in the atmosphere. This extra heat is global warming, and this is causing climate change.

What is the comparison for the structures of carbon-12 and carbon-14?

Carbon -14 has extra two neutrons and is radioactive.

How does the burning of fossil fuels by humans affect the carbon cycle?

The carbon cycle moves carbon in and out of the atmosphere and has kept a balance there for millions of years. The carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have kept the earth warm. Burning fossil fuel releases CO2 that has been held underground for millennia, so this carbon is an extra burdenon the carbon cycle, and it is not able to remove all the extra CO2.This is how the carbon cycle is being disturbed. This is what is causing global warming and hence climate change.

How is extra carbon getting into the atmosphere?

Extra carbon is getting into the atmosphere because of the actions of humans. These actions would include deforestation, pollution, and the burning of fossil fuels.

If the isotope is given what is the formula?

Isotopes are different forms of the same atom with different numbers of neutrons. For example, normal carbon is carbon-12, which has 6 protons, 6 neutrons. Carbon-14 has 2 extra neutrons making it heavier. But they have the same numbers of electrons and so react and form compounds in the same way - so the formula of methane CH4 or carbon dioxide CO2 is the same. If you want to be very specific you can indicate the labeled position with a superscript, thus: 13CH4 or CH313CH2OH indicate methane with the carbon-13 isotope or ethane labeled with carbon-13 at the alpha position, respectively.

Where do scientists think extra carbon dioxide is coming from?


Which of the following is a true statement about fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) take 300 million years to form.They contain carbon that has been hidden away all that time.Burning fossil fuels releases that extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.This extra carbon dioxide is building up, trapping more heat, and is the main cause of global warming.Global warming is causing climate change.

What role does the carbon cycle play in this problem of global climate change?

In the desert, the carbon cycle is a continuous and non-stop process. Plants and the atmosphere exchange carbon. Carbon is released when plants breathe and when organisms die. The cycle starts again when plants use the carbon that has been released.

What cycles are affected by global warming?

The carbon cycle is severely affected. Extra carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels is overloading the cycle.The water cycle is affected by the extra heat in the atmosphere.