

How is iodine used as a mordant?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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As per the exact chemistry, I am unsure, but basically the iodine acts to "set in" the stain by reacting the dye (crystal violet) from the previous step with the peptidoglycan layer, forming a layer which is now insoluble in the following step where the layer is washed with EtOH. If the cell is Gram (-), the iodine doesn't do much and the dye is washed away.

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Why is Iodine used in Gram staining?

Iodine is added as a mordant to enhance crystal violet staining by forming a crystal violet-iodine complex.

Why gram's iodine called a mordant?

Gram's iodine is called a mordant because it fixes the primary stain to the cell wall and adds any color.

Why is gram's iodine called mordant?

Gram's iodine is called a mordant because it fixes the primary stain to the cell wall and adds any color.

What is the use of Iodine in gram stains?

The iodine in the gram stain serves as a mordant or fixative.

What is the mordant in a gram stain?

Gram's iodine stain is applied after the culture is stained with the primary stain. It acts as a mordant, fixing the primary stain to the cell wall while lending no additional colour to the cell (i.e. the mordant itself is not a stain). The mordant is only able to fix the stain to Gram-positive bacteria because of the characteristic thick, peptidoglycan coat that they possess. Because the mordant is not able to fix the stain to Gram-negative bacteria (who's coat have a different composition), the crystal violet stain will wash away from Gram-negative bacteria when the decolourizing agent is added.

Is vinegar a mordant?

Yes, sodium chloride can be used as a mordant.

Function of Gram's iodine?

Iodine is used as a mordant in the gram staining procedure to make large crystals when it is used with crystal violet dye. In gram positive cell walls those crystals get stuck and wont get washed off with the alcohol. In gram negative cell walls the crystals are washed out.

What is a dye which fixes without a mordant?

a mordant is used for the dyeing to try it

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it is used as mordant due to the formation of gelatenous precipitates (Al(OH)3).

What mordant is used in spore staining?

Heat is the mordant used in the spore stain, it fixes the primary stain.

What is mordant used in the gram staining procedure and its function?

A mordant is an element which aids the chemical reaction that takes place between the dye and the fibre so that the dye is absorbed. It may also mean incisive or insistent especially in questioning something.

Is mordant used in acid fast stain?

The heat is the mordant for an acid-fast stain