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Vincent Hilpert

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1mo ago

CFC molecules can remain in the atmosphere for 50 to 100 years on average. During this time, they can deplete the ozone layer and contribute to global warming. Efforts to reduce CFC emissions have been successful in lowering their levels in the atmosphere.

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15y ago

The CFC does not just escape from the vents, but from broken connections, hoses, seals / gaskets, even migrating through solder joints. Most CFC escapes when the car is harvested for its parts. Any CFC takes several months to make it to the upper atmosphere, and it may take a few decades (we hope it is that fast) for the chlorine payload to eventually leave the ozone layer. Not all the CFCs released at Earth's surface make it to the upper atmosphere, but they do serve to increase the partial pressure of CFC, which boosts other molecules higher on average. The only "natural" way to eliminate CFCs from the atmosphere, is to break them down in the "ozone layer". Fluorocarbons (no effect on ozone) will have to go even higher to get the necessary energy.

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14y ago

They stay for a considerable period of time. Some believe that CFC's make their way to the poles and help with the natural thinning of the ozone layer their that occurs naturally each winter for a few months. The layer only has this hole during the winter months and heals when the sun returns.

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12y ago

Not all CFCs have the same staying power in the atmosphere. The duration of their existence is measured as a half-fife (the time for half of a release of CFCs to decompose). CFCs' half lives range from 60 to 640 years depending on the compound, the related compounds HFCs have a half life of2 to 250 years. again depending on the compound.

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14y ago

Weeks to decades. That is why it takes so long for CFCs to leave the atmosphere. The ozone layer is the only place with enough energy to break them down.

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11y ago

CFC molecules remain the atmosphere for anywhere from approximately one month to one year. This depends on a lot of environmental factors, of course .

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9y ago

CFC's are ozone depleting sustances.

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7y ago

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Q: How long do CFC molecules remain in the atmosphere?
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What happens to the CFC molecule in the lower atmosphere?

In the lower atmosphere, CFC molecules undergo photolysis when they are exposed to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. This process breaks down the CFC molecule into chlorine atoms, which can then catalyze the destruction of ozone molecules. This contributes to the depletion of the ozone layer.

Why are the effects of the CFC gases ban taking so long to work?

CFC gases have a long atmospheric lifetime, meaning they can persist for many years after being emitted. It takes time for them to break down and be removed from the atmosphere. Additionally, some older equipment and products containing CFCs may still be in use, delaying the full impact of the ban.

How does chlorofluorocarbon rise to the stratosphere?

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are released into the atmosphere from human activities like refrigerant leaks and aerosol sprays. Once in the atmosphere, they are carried by air currents to the stratosphere. In the stratosphere, CFCs undergo chemical reactions that release chlorine atoms, which then catalyze the breakdown of ozone molecules.

How long does it take for chlorofluorocarbons to reach the stratosphere?

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) released at the Earth's surface can take anywhere from 1 to 4 years to reach the stratosphere, depending on their specific properties and conditions in the atmosphere.

How the chlorine atoms are formed in the ozone layer?

Chlorine atoms in the ozone layer are typically formed from the breakdown of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other similar compounds that are released into the atmosphere. These chemicals have chlorine atoms that can be released and react with ozone, contributing to ozone depletion.

Related questions

How long do cfc's remain in the ozone before breakdown?

CFC's remain for very long before breakdown. They can destroy a total of one hundred thousand ozone molecules before breakdown.

Which atoms in the cfc molecule can destroy thousands of ozone molecuels in the upper atmosphere?

Chlorine atoms in CFC molecules can destroy thousands of ozone molecules in the upper atmosphere when they are released due to UV light breaking down the CFC molecules. These chlorine atoms react with ozone molecules, causing them to break apart and reduce the ozone concentration in the atmosphere.

What happens to the CFC molecule in the lower atmosphere?

In the lower atmosphere, CFC molecules undergo photolysis when they are exposed to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. This process breaks down the CFC molecule into chlorine atoms, which can then catalyze the destruction of ozone molecules. This contributes to the depletion of the ozone layer.

Can CFC creates ozone layer?

No CFC's cannot create the ozone and ozone layer. They can only destroy ozone molecules in the atmosphere.

Which atoms in the CFC molecule can destroy thousands of ozone molecules in upper atmosphere?

The CFC molecules are man made chemicals for refrigeration. The molecules on reaction release 2 gases. These gases are Chlorine and Fluorine.

What atoms in the CFC molecule can destroy thousands of ozone molecules in the upper atmosphere?

The CFC's molecules are ODS. They react with ozone to deplete it. The Chlorine and Fluorine are main atoms.

Why are the effects of the CFC gases ban taking so long to work?

CFC gases have a long atmospheric lifetime, meaning they can persist for many years after being emitted. It takes time for them to break down and be removed from the atmosphere. Additionally, some older equipment and products containing CFCs may still be in use, delaying the full impact of the ban.

Which atoms in the CFC molecule can destroy thousands of ozine molecules in the upper atmosphere?

Chlorine atoms in CFC molecules can destroy thousands of ozone molecules in the upper atmosphere. When CFCs break down in the stratosphere due to UV radiation, the chlorine atoms released can catalyze the breakdown of ozone molecules, leading to ozone depletion.

How do chlorofluorocarbon destroy ozone molecules?

CFC's reach atmosphere by westerly's. They deplete ozone in presence of PSC's.

How does CFC reach the stratosphere?

CFCs are released into the atmosphere from human activities like air conditioning and refrigeration. Once in the atmosphere, they are carried up into the stratosphere by wind and air circulation. In the stratosphere, CFCs can remain for many years, allowing them to break down ozone molecules through chemical reactions.

Can sunlight striking CFC molecules can cause Chlorine to be released?

Yes, when sunlight strikes CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) molecules in the upper atmosphere, it breaks them down into their individual components, including chlorine. This released chlorine can then participate in reactions that deplete the ozone layer.

CAN sunlight striking CFC molecules cause chlorine to be released?

Yes! Once cfc's are released into the atmosphere the travel into the statosphere where they linger for hundreds of years & under the influance of sun light a chlorine atom is released from the cfc molecule.