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Chances are you would probably live close to the same length of time as you normally would. While climate change can potentially have very damaging effects, it is not an apocalyptic scenario. Some people will suffer and die as a result of its effects, but the vast majority will survive it.

A:The Astronomer Royal, Sir Martin Rees, in Britain (rather like the Chief Scientist) was asked, "What are the chances of the human race surviving beyond 2100?" He replied, "Fifty-fifty!"
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Q: How long do you have to survive if climate change doesnt stop?
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How long do we have to survive if climate change does not stop?

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What does climate change represent?

it represents the change in the long-term weather patterns

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Climate change is an English expression. No one defined it. Climate refers to weather patterns over a long period of time. Change means that it is now different, not the same as it was.

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Weather is a short term change to the climate, but not to the greenhouse effect. Climate is a long term change to the weather (but not to the greenhouse effect).

What is your perspective on climate change?

You may be asked your perspective on climate change when you travel from one climate to another. Some prefer cold, snowy weather while others long for tropical locations.

What is the difference between climate and climate change?

Weather refers to the atmospheric conditions in an area at any given time. Climate change is a shift in the long-term trends in the weather, over the course of decades or more.

Why are long-range forecast often wrong?

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