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6,022140857.10e23--------------1 mol

x = 1,33.10e24/6,022140857.10e23 = 2,2 moles Zn

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Q: How many moles of zinc Zn are in 1.33 1024 Zn atoms?
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How many moles of zinc are in 1.6310 to th 24th atoms?

The answer is 2,7 moles.

How many atoms are in 1 mole of zinc atoms?

3 moles of Zn is equal to 18.09x1023 atoms. I used Avogadro's Number : 6.03x1023 particles/mol This number is the number of atoms or molecules in a mol of any substance. 3 moles X 6.03x1023 particles/mol = 18.09x1023 atoms

How many atoms are in .750 moles of zinc?

15.0553*1023 Zn atomsBy definition of the 'mole' there are ALWAYS 6.02214*1023 particles (of any kind) in ONE mole of that matter. (This BIG number is called the Avogadro number or constant)So this is true for atoms Zn in 1 mole pure zinc, for H2O molecules in 1 mole water, even for sand particles in 1 mole sand (but there is not so much sand in a desert)

How many moles and how many atoms of zinc are in a sample weighing 34.9 g?

3.21 x 10^23

How many moles of hydrogen will be produced if 0.36 moles of zinc react with an equal amount of H2SO4?

Zn + H2SO4 ---> ZnSO 4 + H2 so one mole of zinc and 1 mole of sulfuric acid produces one mole of hydrogen molecules and thus two moles of hydrogen atoms. So 0.36 moles of zinc will produce 0.36 moles of hydrogen molecules and thus 0.72 moles of hydrogen atoms.

Which has more particles 5 moles of zinc or 5 moles of helium?

The number of atoms is identical.

How many Zn atoms are in ZnClO3 2?

There are : 1 zinc atom 2 chlorine atoms 6 oxygen atoms in this zinc chlorate molecule.

How many grams of Zn are in 0.356 moles of zinc?

0,356 moles of zinc contain 23,27 g.

How many zinc atoms are present in 20.0 g Zn?

Molar mass of Zinc = 65.4 g mol-1 No. of moles of 20.0 g of Zinc = 20.0 / 65.4 = 0.305810397 mol No. of atoms = 0.305810397 L (where L is the Avogadro constant) = 1.8416 x 1023

How many moles of atom is contained in 15 gram of zinc?

6.228 mole of zinc atom

How many atoms are in zinc or how many atoms are in a molecule?

Zinc is an atom however there are 30 proton and electrons in a zinc atom. The number of atoms depends on the molecule, I'm sorry

How many moles of zn are consumed when 1.60 x 1024 molecules of hcl react completely in the following equation zn plus 2hcl equals zncl2 plus h2?

Zinc and hydrochloric acid