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whats the difference between mass and weight

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Shane Huttenhoff

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Q: How many representative particles are in 2.5 mol H2O2?
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How many molecules are there in 1.00 mol of H2O2?

There are 6.022x10^23 molecules in 1.00 mol of anything.

Find the number of representative particles in 3.00 mol Sn?

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How do I calculate mass of H2O2 solution?

Mass of hydrogen = 1 g/mol Mass of oxygen = 16 g/mol There are 2 hydrogen in H2O2 and 2 oxygen in H202, so (1x2) + (16x2) = 34 g/mol

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4H2O2 --> 4H2O + 2O2 That would be 2: one mol of O2 for every 2 mols of H2O2.

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The answer is 2,3 moles water.

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4.51 g x 1 mol x 6.022 x 1023 molecules = 9.95 x 1021 molecules .............273 g ............... 1 mol

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Normality - a unit of concentration, it focuses mainly on the H+ and OH- available in an acid-base reaction. Normality can be found by using the formula Normality =Equivalents / LitersOtherwise known as N = equiv/LEquivalent of an acid - amount of acid that can furnish 1 mol of H+ ionsEquivalent of a base - amount of base that can furnish 1 mol of OH- ionsEquivalent weight - The mass (in grams) of one equivalent of an acid or base1) Look at the subscript to figure out the equivalent acid, or how many H+ or OH- can be furnished in one mol. The subscript will help you find the equivalent weight.In this case, the formula is is can furnish 2 mol of H+ ions per molecule. One mol of H2O2 can furnish two mol of H+. However we only need one mol of H+. Therefore, divide by two. 1/2 mol H2O2 = 1 equivalent of H2O22) Divide by however many Liters you have.

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6,78.1022 molecules of glucose 2,14388229924.1024 iron atoms 1,25.1025 zinc atoms