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wet and hot

by Lauren Fennelly

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Q: In what kind of climate does a rock weather fastest in?
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Related questions

What determines how fast a rock will weather?

Climate and the type of rock

Which kind of rock created the fastest?

Igneous rock.

What rock would have the fastest rate of weathering in a warm climate?


What is the best climate for a rock to weather in?

sun and warmness

Types of rock that would weather the fastest?

Small pieces of clay.

What determines the rate at which rocks weather '?

Climate and type of rock

A sedimentray rock composed of what would weather at a faster rate?

Chalk would weather fastest, followed by limestone.

What kind of rock would weather the fastest?

Sedimentary rocks are probably most vulnerable to weathering because they are formed from cemented (sometimes loosely) particles of other rocks.

What is another spelling for weather?

to break down in small pieces of rock.

Which specific type of rock would weather the fastest?

Sedimentary rocks would weather the fastest, especially ones like limestone, because it's made mostly from calcium carbonate, which is easily dissolved by the slightly acidic rainwater.

Why are soil profiles in Arctic shallow?

Because of cold climate, rock materials weather more slowly.

What kind of rock would you most likely find in weather basin?
