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YesThe mixing of ethanol with water is an exothermic phenomenon.
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yes it is

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Q: Is ethanol dissolving in water an exothermic reaction?
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Dissolving Sodium Carbonate is an exothermic reaction. Exothermic reactions give out heat. When atoms, molecules or ions come together energy is released. The water molecules bond with the sodium carbonate molecules and more energy is released during this reaction than required to create the bonds. More energy means the molecules of the solution move faster and the temperature of the solution increases, thus increasing the temperature of the surroundings. Hope that helps :)

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When solid sodium hydroxide dissolves in water, the water heats up, demonstrating that the process of dissolving is exothermic for NaOH. (Very exothermic, in fact, releasing about 45kJ of heat per mole dissolved -- enough to heat a liter of H2O by 10C!) Since heat can be thought of as a product in an exothermic reaction, the equation is: NaOH (s) ---> Na+ (aq) + OH_ (aq) + 45kJ

Would you describe the reaction of calcium in water as being exothermic or endothermic?

The reaction between calcium and water is very exothermic.

If rubidium is added to water will it be endothermic or exothermic?

The reaction is very exothermic.