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Q: Is it possible to have a mixture made of all carbon atoms and compounds with only carbon atoms?
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Does gasoline have carbon?

Yes. Gasoline is a mixture of hydrocarbons, which are organic compounds that contain carbon and hydrogen atoms.

What compounds have the maximum possible number of hydrogen atoms on its carbon chain?

Alkanes have the most possible number of hydrogen atoms with respect to the carbon again.

One reason that carbon atoms form large numbers of compounds is that a carbon atom forms?

One reason that carbon atoms can form large numbers of compounds is that a carbon atom forms four bonds in its compounds.

Is two atoms of carbon a mixture?

no Its is not

What are carbon compounds?

Carbon atoms have the ability to form strong links with four other atoms and hence can form a large variety of compounds. Methane, Ethane, Carbon Tetra-chloride and more are part of a large number of organic and inorganic compounds formed by carbon. Carbon compounds are those containing carbon.

How did organic compounds get their name?

The prefix is the number of carbon atoms the suffix is the amount of hydrogen atoms compared to the carbon atoms

Which compounds have the maximum possible number of hydrogen atoms on their carbon chain?

The alkanes have this feature.The entire group of alkanes has this characteristic.alkane

Why is propane a compound?

Propane contains three carbon atoms (the organic compounds are molecules containg carbon atoms C) and it is even biochemically produced by some bacteria.

Why organic compounds are polar in nature?

Organic compounds all have one thing in common: Carbon. The reason Carbon (and organic compounds) are popular in nature is carbon can form lots of bonds and, therefore, attach to many atoms. Carbon can form 4 bonds. Organic compounds are not polar. They are nonpolar. It is possible for part of an organic compound to be polar if the end is an alcohol (OH) or some other polar ion is attached.

CAN carbon compounds have the same molecular formula but different arrangements of atoms?

Yes, this is very common in carbon compounds.

Are atoms a compound?

Atoms are elements, not compounds. Compounds are composed of two or more different atoms. For example, the element carbon, with the symbol C, is composed of atoms. If you combine carbon and oxygen to make carbon dioxide (CO2) then you have a compound, composed of molecules, each of which have 3 atoms, one carbon and two oxygen.

What is the differences and similarities of a compound and a mixture?

Both are formed from atoms. A compound cannot be divided in atoms by physical procedures.The mixture being formed from compounds can be divided in compounds by physical procedures.