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Q: What abiotic factor separates marine ecosystems from river ecosystems?
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What abiotic factors affect marine ecosystems?

Organisms need them to live (imagine how you would fare at sub-zero temperatures without water)

What do enviromental scientists study?

Environmental scientists study the natural environment and how it is affected by human activities. They investigate various aspects of the environment, such as air and water quality, soil health, biodiversity, climate change, and the impact of pollution and resource use. They use scientific methods and data analysis to understand and address environmental problems and develop solutions for sustainable management practices.

Climate do broadleaf forests prevail due to moderate precipitation during all seasons?

Humid subtropical

What separates the Marine West Coast climate from other temperate climates?

Marine West Coast climate is unique to western coastal regions; whereas other temperarate climates are found inland. It is only found in small areas that are influenced by oceans and is very humid. Marine West Coast climate is found along the coasts of Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and southern Alaska in North America, coastal Chile in South America, and along the coast of Europe, where it extends further inland due to the orientation of mountains. It is also found on the southeast coast of Australia and New Zealand.

What happens when too much CO2 enters the ocean?

They say that too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the key factor that will make the oceans more acidic and imperil key parts of the marine food chain.

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What are 3 abiotic features in land biomes marine ecosystems and freshwater ecosystems?

n mn

What are three abiotic factors in marine ecosystems?

marine ecosystem depends on water temperature, water depth, and the amount of sunlight

What are three abiotic factors in the marine ecosystems?

marine ecosystem depends on water temperature, water depth, and the amount of sunlight

What are the three abiotic factors that affect marine ecosystems?

Ships undersea volcanoes and oil spills

Why is sand an abotic factor for the marine biome?

It is an abiotic factor because sand is non-living and an abiotic factor is an non-living thing in an ecosystem.

How are ecosystems named?

Ecosystems can be named in two ways; biotic or abiotic.... Either 1) Based on the abiotic environment (Eg. Freshwater Marine) 2) Based on the primary/dominant biotic organisms/species in the community

What are the abiotic factors of marine biome?

the abiotic factors of the marine biome are the sand, the rocks, the water, the o2 etc.

What abiotic factor of the marine biome is most effective on green algae?

Wave motion, salinity , atmospheric pressure

What is the main limiting factor in marine ecosystems?

i have no idea i have the same question!!!!!!!! sorry

What are terrestrial ecosystems?

Ecosystems that are established on land (as opposed to Marine ecosystems).

What are the two main water ecosystems?

Saltwater/Marine ecosystems and Freshwater ecosystems.