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Atomic Number: 16

Atomic Weight: 32.065

Melting Point: 388.36 K (115.21°C or 239.38°F)

Boiling Point: 717.75 K (444.60°C or 832.28°F)

Density: 2.067 grams per cubic centimeter

Phase at Room Temperature: Solid

Element Classification: Non-metal

Period Number: 3 Group Number: 16 Group Name: Chalcogen

Its colour, its melting point, its boiling point, whether it is magnetic or not, whether it is an electrical conductor or not and its Atomic Mass are all physical properties.
Light yellow when pure, sometimes amber when stained with hydrocarbons; some slaglike volcanic specimens are reddish from selenium contamination or grayish from arsenic contamination. Luster resinous; hardness 2; specific gravity2.0-2.1; fracture conchoidal; cleavage basal, prismatic, and pyramidal. Brittle; translucent.
At room temperature, sulfur is a soft, bright-yellow solid. Elemental sulfur has only a faint odor, similar to that of matches. The odor associated with rotten eggs is due to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and organic sulfur compounds rather than elemental sulfur.

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13y ago

Light yellow when pure, sometimes amber when stained with hydrocarbons; some slaglike volcanic specimens are reddish from selenium contamination or grayish from arsenic contamination. Luster resinous; hardness 2; specific gravity2.0-2.1; fracture conchoidal; cleavage basal, prismatic, and pyramidal. Brittle; translucent.

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Its colour, its melting point, its boiling point, whether it is magnetic or not, whether it is an electrical conductor or not and its atomic mass are all physical properties.

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I have no clue what the answer is. That's why I came on here; to find the answer! UGH!