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Recycle all that is cost effective. Stay away from non renewable resources or use them with great caution.

Reduce the consumption of goods of all kinds.

Separate the garbage and avoid that toxic elements get into the environment from uncontrolled waste. Let specialized people help to recycle Mercury containg lamps as fluorescent, and the larger metal additive lamps. Cleaning up later cost much more natural resources.

Keep all trash and litter picked up. Everything we leave scattered about eventually ends up in a water stream and makes it's way to the ocean. River shores and ocean beaches look like trash dumps in some places.

Protest protest protest! And practice what you preach.

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Q: What can you do to save natural resources?
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The study of use of natural resorses?

Natural resources are very important if we use them right we can save them too. They help use survive.

Give slogans on conservation of natural resources?

SaveIt.......... Or Else, Crave For It!!

Is time to start worrying about natural disasters?

The way we are consuming and destroying or natural resources through pollution and other factors, the nature will going to die soon. We have to worry about it and save these natural resources otherwise the world will be destroyed soon.

Are natural resources and resources the samething?

No Beacause Most Natural Resources Are Natural And The Resources That Are Not Are Just Resources

What is the importance of conservation of nature?

There is great importance of conservation of Natural Resources including teaching our kids what these resources are. Conserving natural elements will save them in case there are hidden purposes left to find in the future towards medicine.

What is one way private citizens can help conserve natural resources?

People can reduce and recycle to save natural resources.

How does solar energy save natural resources?

Solar energy created electricity from sunlight. There are no resources used from the planet (apart from the materials used to make the panels).

What was John Muir trying to tell America?

John Muir wanted to save America's beutiful, natural resources.