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Water borne ions of iron often stains quartz sandstone.

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Q: What causes ferrous oxide stain in sandy rock?
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What causes white spots in stain?

generally bleach is what causes white stains in clothing.

Why does water cause a black stain in wood?

The stain could be caused by mold. The wood should be pressure washed and treated with a sealer. Another type of black stain in timber is caused by iron oxide. When the moisture in the timber has caused the iron in any fixings, such as nails, to rust and form ferric oxide. This is black, and this travels through the moisture in the timber causing patches of black staining.

What causes a stain to adhere to bacterial cells?

In a gram positive stain it is because the cell's cell wall is made up of peptioglycan

What was the sympathetic stain made of?

Ferrous (Iron II) and water mixed together. A simple solution of sodium carbonate (baking soda) and water could be used to bring out the invisible ink

What causes a stain?

wine or curry mainly or sometimes with children get grass stains.

Why is it not necessary for bleach to actually remove the substance that causes a stain?

Bleach removes the dye from what it comes into contact with. This means that when it comes into contact with a stain, it can take the pigments out of the stain. There may be other parts of the stain still there, but they are the same color as the rest of the article of clothing.

Explain why it is not necessary for bleach to actually remove the substance that causes a stain?

Bleach removes the dye from what it comes into contact with. This means that when it comes into contact with a stain, it can take the pigments out of the stain. There may be other parts of the stain still there, but they are the same color as the rest of the article of clothing.

What is the medical term that causes the cornea to appear green?

Fluorescein stain causes the cornea to appear green with lit with a Woods lamp.

What causes copper stain in pool liner?

Copper based algaecides can cause this problem.

What treatment causes a corneal abrasion to appear bright green?

fluorescein stain visualized with UV.

Can you stain laminate flooring to change the color?

no...laminates are basically a composite body with a photo type image of wood on body and are protected by a final coat of oxide protectant

What causes a camera to stop working?

Empty battery, water, stain, dust or somebody threw it at the floor.