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Q: What is The disuse of these muscles over a long period of time is called?
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What happens to leg muscles due to the disuse of these muscles over a long period of time?


What is the medical term meaning disuse of muscles over a long period of time?

Muscular atrophyThe term you are probably looking for is atrophy. Atrophy is a weakening of the muscles that occurs after long periods where they are not used. It doesn't describe the time period, but rather the result.

What is the ability to use the same muscles over a long period of time called?


What is the medical term meaning Muscle wasting?

Muscle atrophy means muscle wasting. It can occur due to long-term disuse or bed rest, or due to neurological damage or malnutrition.When muscle wastes away because of disuse it is called atrophy.

What muscle condition could be caused by long periods of immobility?

Long periods of immobility can cause muscle atrophy. This means that the muscles become weaker and thinner from disuse.

Which kind of muscles fibers enable the muscles to exert force for a long period of time?

Slow Twitch (:

How long is absolute refractory period for skeletal muscles?

The refractory period generally lasts one millisecond

What is a long period of rain called?

A long period of heavy rainfall is called Monsoon Season

Working muscles harder for a longer period of time without getting tired is called what?

Muscular endurance us the term phrase used for working muscles hard for long periods of time without getting tired. The more the muscles are worked, the stronger they become and the more they can take.

What is a long period of abnormally low rainfall called?

a long period of abnormally low rainfall is called a "drought."

What type of activity is testing the ability of your muscles to move for long period of times?

Endurance activity A+

How long is a period in football?

A period in football is called a quarter and is 15 minutes long.