

What is succesion?

Updated: 6/10/2024
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9y ago

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The series of predictable changes that occur in a community overtime

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1mo ago

Succession is the process of one community of organisms gradually replacing another in a particular area over time. It can be primary, starting from bare rock or soil, or secondary, following a disturbance like a fire or flood. Succession leads to a more stable and diverse ecosystem as pioneer species are replaced by more specialized ones.

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What is primary succesion?

A primary succesion is an area that has not been previously occupied by a community.

How does secondary succesion differ from primary succession?

Secondary succession occurs in an area that previously had vegetation but was disturbed, allowing for the regrowth of vegetation from the remaining soil and seeds. Primary succession occurs in an area that has never had vegetation, such as a newly formed volcanic island or a glacial moraine, and involves the gradual process of soil formation.

What the difference between primary and secondary succesion?

Primary succession occurs in an environment where there is no soil present, typically beginning with colonization by pioneer species, while secondary succession occurs in an environment where soil is already present but has been disturbed, such as after a forest fire or clear-cutting. Primary succession takes place over a longer period of time, beginning with the formation of soil, while secondary succession can occur more rapidly as existing plant and animal species recolonize the area.

Can a single scientist observe all of the stages of secondary succesion in an abandoned field?

It may not be feasible for a single scientist to observe all stages of secondary succession in an abandoned field due to the long time span involved. Secondary succession can take decades to centuries to complete, with different stages requiring consistent monitoring over time. Additionally, the fieldwork required to observe these stages comprehensively may be too extensive for one scientist to manage alone.

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