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for the detection of phenylpyruvic acid

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Q: What is the function of ferric chloride in the detection of deaminase activity?
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What is the function of the sodium chloride in the procedure in salting-out effect?

sodium chloride helps to decrease the solubility of an organic compound therefore its easier to extract an organic compound almost completely from water

What is the purpose of the ammonium chloride paste in dry cells?

I believe the ammonia chloride paste is the electrolyte - it conducts electricity and keeps the current flowing. I'm not entirely sure if this is it's the main function.

What is the function of Calcium chloride in Cheese production?

In cheese production,if milk is of poor quality,it results in soft coagulum. so calcium chloride is added to achieve constant coagulation time and sufficient firmness..

What is the function of sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride-also known as salt-is necessary to help your body maintain fluid balance, help your muscles relax and your nerves transmit signals. Sodium chloride also helps maintain normal blood pressure. One of salt's earliest roles was to preserve food (it does this by drawing out water, preventing bacteria from growing). Today, it gets a bad reputation (and deservedly so) because Americans eat too many processed foods and therefore consume more salt than necessary, which results in adverse health effects. Although they're two separate minerals, sodium and chloride are usually found together in most foods (and account for about 90 percent of sodium intake in the U.S.); for this reason, they are presented together here.

Why does sodium trioxocarbonate IV does NT decompose on heating?

I think it won't decompose on heating because of its stability to heat and the nature of bond formed between sodium and trioxocarbonate (IV) ion which could also be a function of it position in the activity series.